India handled the pandemic deftly, using all its resources. The massive vaccination scheme initiated by the Government is unparalleled in the history of the healthcare delivery system. However, the misinformation campaign and malicious propaganda activated by some elements have created fear in the minds of innocent public
–Dr R Kannan
The superpower status, wealth, military might, presence of many different occupations and professions, exalted position in the global map in many fronts, particularly positions with attractive salaries have made the United States of America the most preferred employment destination in the world. Some other countries in the Western bloc are also preferred for reasons of materialistic considerations. Many of these countries have excellent health care delivery systems. But COVID-19 hasn’t spared any of these countries. In fact the US was the worst affected nation when the health hazard had made its global presence. The dreadful pandemic being what it is, naturally transcends many barriers like social, economic, political, cultural and demographic. Whether the virus has emerged from the wet markets or it is lab leaked remains elusive till date.
When India too had been affected, the nation handled the pandemic deftly, using all its resources. The massive vaccination scheme initiated by the Government of India involving a vast multitude across the country is unparalleled in the history of the healthcare delivery system. This in itself is an achievement while many countries were nonplussed when the gruesome pandemic took a heavy toll on human life. The success that this programme had registered among frontline warriors, has duly promoted the desire to safeguard self from the clutches of the pandemic even among the masses.
India’s statesman like qualities were revealed when she had come forward to share willingly the expertise and resources when some nations were thoroughly under prepared to meet the exigencies attendant upon the pandemic. It was a clear indication that India was steering the ship towards the abiding shores of peace and universal brotherhood.
India has had a range of systems of medicine of great antiquity handed down by our forefathers. Documentary evidence preserved in palm leaves is maintained till date in the systems of medicine like Siddha and Ayurvedha. The pervading influence of natural immunity in the Indian populations is direct derivation from the culinary practices of utilising spices, condiments and vegetable oil. The obvious inference is more experiential than any trial. Extensive use of ginger, fenugreek, garlic, turmeric, cumin seeds, cinnamon, cardamom, clove, carom seeds etc., is astonishingly common among the varied cultures known in the country. This facet of food habit not known in other cultures is a plausible factor behind the vulnerability and rates of high mortality in such populations. Quite oblivious of the immunity enhanced through food habits among Indians, critics have ascribed it to existence in unhealthy environs. Sadly it is a true reflection of reductionism and unwillingness to accept reality. Equally a contrast in behaviour was witnessed among the advanced and not so advanced societies. The latter implicitly adopted the lockdown protocols while some advanced societies displayed utter disregard to safety by gathering in public places and denouncing the Covid appropriate prescriptions.
The vaccine supplied by India to many countries during the first wave and scores of countries coming to India’s rescue during the second wave indicate a great reciprocal gesture in recent times. These precisely point to India’s supreme geo political diplomacy
A segment of critics who were humbled to silence their sirens when India handled the first wave better than many nations, had opened their cacophony and castigated the country during the second wave. No doubt our hearts reach out to those who have lost their parents, siblings and children. Loss of human life can never be compensated and the void will not be filled as the social institution of family is a seat of love, loyalty, reciprocity, emotional bonding and so on.
Despite the cautions world over about the second wave, none ever could foresee its gravity. Be that as it may, even countries with state of the art medical facilities/infrastructure could not thwart either the spread of infections or the death of those victims. In utter disregard to the draconian proportions of the pandemic, critics from within or elsewhere were simultaneously uncharitable and offending India’s handling of the situation. Necessarily any unbiased observer would be compelled to infer that such opinions are pre-fabricated. Would we be wrong to say that such opinionated criticisms are hollow?
The misinformation campaign and malicious propaganda activated by some elements have created fear in the minds of the innocent public. Hence this may be stopped at least in future in the larger interests of society.
Many countries have come to our rescue when the second wave has struck. Oxygen containers for storing liquid oxygen (United Arab Emirates), Oxygen generators and cryogenic containers (France), Oxygen concentrators and non invasive and manual ventilators (the United Kingdom), Cryogenic oxygen tank (Singapore), Oxygen cylinders and regulators (USA) and help of similar nature from many other countries had all been rendered and were in various stages of execution. The vaccine supplied by India to many countries during the first wave and scores of countries coming to India’s rescue during the second wave indicate a great reciprocal gesture in recent times. These precisely point to India’s supreme geo political diplomacy.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in a special address to the nation on June 7, 2021, had announced a centralised vaccine drive for all above 18 years of age and it marks a great turning point. Many States have hailed this move. Let us hope that politics and polemics around vaccines would be set to rest.
(The writer is a Retired Senior Professor and Head of the Dept of Sociology Madurai Kamaraj University)