Massive political controversy has erupted following West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee’s announcement of August 16 to be celebrated as “Khela Diwas”. BJP has equated it to Muslim League’s Direct Action Day, which began exactly on the same day in 1946.
“In today’s West Bengal, Khela Hobe has come to symbolise a wave of terror attacks on opponents,” Swapan Dasgupta said. He also added that Muslim League launched its Direct Action Day and began the Great Calcutta Killings in 1946.
“Mamata Banerjee wants to hold a rally of opposition leaders in Kolkata in order to cobble up a front. She is free to do so, except that the unelected CM should realise that all non-TMC leaders, invited in Delhi, left the venue, even before she started speaking,” BJP leader Amit Malviya said in a tweet.
Muslim League had called for direct action day on August 16, 1946 demanding the partition of India and the creation of the independent Muslim state of Pakistan.