Guwahati: The ruling Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) welcomed the Indian National Congress leader from tea tribe community Rupjyoti Kurmi to the saffron family. The four-time MLA from Mariani in Jorhat district, Kurmi joined the BJP at Gerukamukh in presence of CM Sarma.
Earlier, expressing his grievances against the century-old party leaders, both in the State and New Delhi (high command), the outspoken Congress legislator resigned from the State legislative assembly submitting his letter to the assembly speaker Biswajit Daimari.
Kurmi blamed the State Congress president Ripun Bora for the party’s failure in the electoral politics asserting that the pre-poll alliance with Moulana Badruddin Ajmal led All India United Democratic Front in the recently concluded assembly polls was a destructive decision.
He also criticized the party chief Rahul Gandhi as an inefficient politician and commented that Rahul can not shoulder the responsibility bestowed on him. Alleging that the Congress continued to ignore its young leaders, Kurmi asserted, so the situation has worsened for the party with a glorious past across the country.
The party has now only 28 legislators in the 126-member state assembly after Kurmi’s exit. Many other Congress leaders like Rekibuddin Ahmed, Pankaj Borbora, Ankita Dutta, Juri Sarma Bordoloi, etc are seemingly abandoning the party very soon.