The lady filmmaker from Lakshadweep, Aisha Sultana, who is now facing the heat over a sedition case charged against her, blamed ‘Jamaat-e-Islami’ funded Media One Malayalam news channel for ‘Bio-weapon controversy’. She said this in an interview with Outlook magazine. Aisha claimed that the channel entrapped her into the controversy.
While claiming victimhood, Aisha said that she had little experience in television debates and the bio-weapon comment was a slip of tongue. Blaming the Jamaat-e-Islami channel, Aisha said, “The anchor should have tried to understand it from my perspective as an ordinary citizen and should have given me time to explain my version. After the show, I pleaded to them for two days to give me a chance to share my version.”
“The channel (Media one) turned down my repeated requests and presented my version only after the case was booked against me,: Aisha said.
Jamaat-e-Islami funded Media One News channels has been at the forefront in peddling fake narratives about the reforms carried out by the Lakshadweep administration and instigating people to protest against administrator Praful Patel.