The Vice-Chancellor of the Kerala Central University Thursday revoked the suspension of the assistant professor Dr. Gilbert Sebastian who had called BJP/RSS a ‘proto-fascist in an online class on April 19 this year.
A warning letter was issued to Dr Sebastian. The letter read “the University strictly warns Dr. Gilbert Sebastian for his actions and cautions Dr. Gilbert Sebastian to not repeat such digress utterances, which may cause disharmony in the classroom.”
In an online class on April 19 for MA students on the topic ‘Fascism and Nazism’, Dr. Sebastian passed the controversial remark.
Many students had complained to the Vice-Chancellor Prof. H Venkateshwarlu. A three-member committee was formed by the university to look into the complaints.
The decision to revoke the suspension was taken on the recommendations of the committee.
The warning letter read “In case such a violation is repeated, strict disciplinary action imposing major penalty will be initiated against him under CCS (CCA) Rules 1965.”