The Bharatiya Kisan Union (Ekta Ugrahan) will go ahead with their three day protest in Patiala starting May 28 against Chief Minister Capt Amarinder Singh.
The BKU (Ekta Ugrahan) President Joginder Singh Ugrahan Sunday said the state government was also responsible for the miseries of the farmers.
Capt Amarinder Singh had requested the BKU to call off the protest saying it would complicate the Covid-19 management in the state.
He also reminded the farmers about his unequivocal support to them. He said, “The farmers should reciprocate the good gesture of the state government.”
The Congress party has extended support to the nationwide protest by farmers on May 26 against the three progressive laws passed by the Union government.
Recently in an interview with CNN News 18, Punjab Minister Tript Rajinder Singh Bajwa accepted that Covid-19 cases were rising in the state because of farmers’ protest.
The daily new cases of Covid-19 have surpassed 5000 in the state. The state has reported more than 13000 Covid-19 deaths.
The Amarinder Singh government remained a mute spectator when the protesting farmers were destroying business properties in the state in the name of protest.