Figuratively speaking, openness is the mother of courage and courage is the vessel that upholds the light of truth. Being courageous means not being adamant. When most are not open but adamant, then it becomes a struggle to run human societies or nations or families on the principle of openness
It is the beauty and complexity of Sanskrit language that Sanskrit words can convey the exact opposite meaning of what is popularly understood meanings of that word may be. For example, purva means ‘earlier’, which includes the potential and possibility of emanation of apurva, which means ‘unprecedented’.
This demonstrates that if the context so requires, then the word purva may mean apurva too. Similarly, asaadhaaran means extraordinary, but it may mean not even ordinary (ati-saadhaaran). Aparyaaptam may mean deficient, and it may mean more than sufficient also.
Yet another attribute of Sanskrit is its razor-sharp clarity of thought. For example, the word pashchaat means ‘that which follows. Therefore, there is no potential for apurva-ghatanaa (unprecedented-happening) in what is known as paashchaatya (following).’ These are very cursory examples.
On exploring consciousness and its relation with Sanskrit, it keeps dawning upon explorers/observers that attributes (vibhutis) alone are appearances. There is no -thing’ as such in reality except one, and none can express ‘that one’ through words. However, everyone can transcend words to experience that. Will you call that (who exists) a ‘thing’? Then, you need to think again! The majority of humans worldwide suffer from this pandemic, which is rooted in a false-ego that doesn’t let them become healthy enough to see that ‘thing’ in some living being. As, that’s the only cure, which may be verified with the experience of others who could see it that way or from the experiment of our own.
Take one more example chatushpad may mean chair, cow, cot, poem, and it may even mean antahkaran/chitta (consciousness) itself. But, in English, chair means chair alone. Now, are you still of the opinion that real translation is possible from Sanskrit to English the same way as it is easily possible from English to Sanskrit? Then think again, whether it is a river to river kind of relationship or ocean to river kinds!
That’s the indication why it’s known as dev-bhasha. As, after a point, ‘spoken and written word’ (Baikhari) is not needed as medium (maadhyamaa) to see (pashyanti) reality (paraa). These examples make it clear that Sanskrit can express ideas and thoughts with a level of clarity that is not comparable with any other language that human beings know so far. Those who transcend to them words begin to reveal their universal vibration. Their openness knows no limit, as it stays no more finite. The attitude of openness is needed to experiment and understand, observe, experience, and feel reality.
India has been quintessentially an open most society. Does anyone have any doubt about it? If yes, then debate it openly. If not, then efforts should be made by Mahaajanah that India is seen as open to most societies across the world, else any Tom, Dick and Harry with deep pockets may begin to confuse people in the name of an open society. These days’ even bots hijack words
Respecting all world languages is unquestionable. However, this ‘language secularism’ that all languages are similarly capable of is self-defeating for humanity.
Figuratively speaking, openness is the mother of courage and courage is the vessel that upholds the light of truth. Being courageous means not being adamant. When most are not open but adamant, then it becomes a struggle to run human societies or nations or families on the principle of openness. This is irony because, for their balanced evolution, openness is needed. In simple words, real openness is missing across the media.
India has been quintessentially an open most society. Does anyone have any doubt about it? If yes, then debate it openly. If not, then efforts should be made by Mahaajanah that India is seen as open to most societies across the world, else any Tom, Dick and Harry with deep pockets may begin to confuse people in the name of an open society. These days’ even bots hijack words. For countering/muzzling/ smothering one living voice, they create thousands, lakhs and crores of bots, as may be the requirement of camouflaging the credibility. Living voices need to stay alert. And speak fearlessly.
Current world consciousness is jostling at this point of intelligence vs artificial intelligence. Introducing higher consciousness in the curriculum in the right proportion is the solution. And, India holds a place of prominence in exploring consciousness. Because our experience as a culture gave consciousness the highest place of priority in life, Mahaajanah should not shy away from upholding the responsibility of assuming leadership in this field. If we don’t set the pace right then, some will keep claiming, and others will keep trying to occupy it forcibly. None deserves it.
(The writer is the propounder of Sahaj Smriti Yog System of Self Realisation and founder of Darpan Foundation and Darpan Ashram)