Islamist militants have murdered three women journalists who worked at a local news outlet in eastern Afghanistan on Tuesday (March 2). The bloody tally of Afghan media workers and journalists has been killed at alarming rates in the past year.
The women were on their way home from work at Enikass Radio and TV, in the bustling city of Jalalabad, when they were killed in two separate attacks, according to Shokorullah Pasoon, the manager of publishing at the station.
The victims were Mursal Hakimi, 25, Sadia, 20, and Shanaz, 20 – many Afghans have a single name – who worked in a department that records voice-overs for foreign programmes, Pasoon said.
A fourth woman was wounded in one of the attacks and taken to the hospital.
Malalai Maiwand, 26, a television and radio presenter with Enikass was gunned down in much the same way in December. The Islamic State affiliate in the country claimed responsibility for that killing but has not released a statement claiming Tuesday’s attack.