By now the collection toli has reached every Ram bhakt’s house. During this journey, toli met squirrels, shabaris, ahilyas, nishads, today I will tell you about when Raghav met Madhav!
Madhav , 12-year-old young energetic blood was collecting money in his gullak since almost a year. He was very fond of playing cricket. It was planned that he would break his gullak on his birthday and get a nice cricket bat from it. A nice cricket bat which would probably fetch him batting in his gully team most of the times ( jiska bat uski batting scheme is still applicable in gully crickets). He was stuffing his gullak with little savings each day. Madhav was an inquisitive child. He got versed from his family about the Ram Mandir Nirman and subsequently about the Ram mandir Nidhi Samarpan. He was constantly inquiring about the campaign from his parents. One day , toli came to his colony. He got along with them. On their way, toli stopped by a basti of swachhta crusaders. Each and every member of the basti participated in the Nidhi Samarpan drive with great excitement. They contributed more fact much more than what Madhav had expected. They were large-hearted people living in limited square yards. This shook him from within. He took the toli to his home. On reaching home he told his parents that he wanted to dedicate his gullak savings for Ram Mandir Nirman. The family was elated with this decision of the young Ram Bhakt. “What about your bat, the toli asked”, “Fir jama kar loonga, aisa mauka dobara nahi aayega”
Children have their own perspective of looking at things. Sometimes these perspectives amaze. The family was overjoyed by this dedication of Madhav towards Raghav. There went the hammer breaking his gullak. And the amount was dedicated to Nidhi samarpan abhiyaan. Everyone could feel Raghuvar smiling with poise somewhere around and blessing the family that raised a gem as bright as Madhav.
The toli’s collection bag was heavy today due to the weight of the little child’s devotion making the collection wholesome and dripping with reverence. God bless the upbringing which inculcates values and bhakti in the young minds.
Young minds are like raw clay. You can carve and mould them with values, or colour them fake with overdoses of wonkiness. Let children feel proud of Bhartiyata, our culture, our traditions. Let them know about India as the land of Great Ram and Krishna.