While exposing the prejudiced media houses, Former Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi said that some media outlets were pressurising Judges to give a verdict of their likening. He also named India Today, NDTV, Indian Express and news portals for their trying to harass any Judge who goes against the wishes them post the Judges’ retirement.
Gogoi was speaking at the India Today Conclave where he accused the media organisations of browbeating the judges into submission by targeting them. “Judges are made conscious. They are constantly told to conduct themselves in a certain way failing which they would have to face attacks after their retirement in the media, India Today, NDTV 24*7, the Indian Express and the web portals,” Gogoi said. “They are telling you to conduct yourself the way they want or else we will attack you,” he added.
CJI Ranjan Gogoi also revealed a shocking fact that there are several judges who do get influenced by the media threats where they are told that if they don’t conduct themselves the way they want, they will face attacks and threats after they retire or during their tenure.