The Delhi Police on Tuesday morning, February 9, 2021 arrested Deep Sidhu in connection with January 26 Red Fort violence. The arrest was made by Delhi Police’s special cell unit for Sidhu’s alleged involvement in hoisting the flag at Red Fort on Republic Day. He was held from Zirakpur area between Chandigarh and Ambala.
Deep Sidhu was absconding since violence broke out in Delhi on Republic Day after some protesters clashed with the police during the farmers’ tractor rally.
According to police, he was in contact with a female friend and actor who lives in California. He used to make videos and send it to her, and she used to upload them on his Facebook account.
Khalistani sympathiser Mo Dhaliwal has questioned the arrest of actor-turned-activist Deep Sidhu. Mo Dhaliwal said “Our brother & activist Deep Sidhu was arrested for his presence in farmers’ protest at Red Fort. Dissent against ‘largest democracy in the world’ lands you in jail where you are likely to experience abuse and torture.”
Deep Sidhu was arrested from Zirakpur area between Chandigarh and Ambala today morning, the Delhi Police said. He is accused of instigating the farmers as they carried out the tractor rally on the day. A cash reward of Rs 1 lakh for information leading to their arrest was announced by the police earlier.
It is to be noted that so-called fameres protesting against the three agricultural laws passed by the Centre, deviated from the approved route for the tractor rally, broke barricades and entered. They also vandalised property in several parts of the national capital, entered the Red Fort and unfurled Nishan Sahib flag and Kisan Flag from the ramparts of Red Fort.