Army Chief General Manoj Naravane has said that a broad roadmap has been prepared to bring in all the new technologies to develop a technology-enabled army to meet challenges of future. The Army Chief said, Pakistan continues to embrace terrorism and is using it as an instrument of state policy. He said, India is having zero-tolerance for cross-border terrorism and reserves the right to respond with precision. General Naravane said, this is a clear message that has been sent across.
Speaking to reporters in New Delhi, General Naravane said Pakistan and China together form a potent threat and the threat of collusivity cannot be wished away. He, however, said, India is ready to meet any eventuality and the operational preparedness is of very high order.
The Army Chief said, the last year was full of challenges and the main challenge was COVID-19 and the situation at the northern borders. General Naravane said, India maintained a high state of ness all along the northern borders and hoping for a peaceful solution. He said, cold injuries are less than last year at high altitude.