It seems that BJP’s victory chariot is unstoppable. The party is currently surging ahead of the Congress when the results are pouring in for the recently concluded Karnataka Gram Pachayat election. BJP is leading in 3,437 Gram Panchayats while the Congress party is leading in just 1,590 Granchayats, JDS with 601 and others in 452 till 11AM.
The polling for these panchayat seats had taken place on December 22 and 27. The first phase of the election had taken place on December 22. In all, elections took place in 5,728 villages in 226 Talukas of the state for 72,616 seats. As many as 2,22,814 candidates contested the election whereas 8,074 candidates were elected unopposed. There were 2.94 lakh voters in the Panchayat elections. The first phase election turnout 82% held on December 22.
In the second phase elections which took place on Sunday, voting took place across 2,709 village panchayats in 109 Talukas of Karnataka which saw a turnout of 80.71%