Even when there are widespread accusations of the involvement of ISI-backed Khalistani separatists in the ongoing protests, their ultimate intentions are slowly surfacing. Recently, a couple of celebrities like Baljinder Kaur alias Kaur B, Neeru Bajwa, singer Nisha Bano, journalist Aarif Shah and singer Caralisa Monteiro had shared distorted map of India. A complaint has been filed against Kaur B for this crime by Advocate Ashutosh J Dubey from Mumbai. In his complaint to the DGP and Commissioner of Police, Punjab, he said that Kaur B had posted the image knowingly, and it shows her malafide intentions. Dubey, in his tweet, mentioned that he is going to file a complaint against every celebrity who has used the distorted image.
Kaur B in the past has also shared inflammatory contents on social media that could trigger disturbance to social harmony. She had earlier shared tweets glorifying Khalistani terrorist Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale. After the complaint was lodged, she had deleted all previous posts in which anti-national symbolisms were used. The new controversy comes at a point when the so-called ‘Farmers Protest’ is turning out to be anti-Hindu and pro-Khalistani terrorists. Cricketer Yuvraj Singh’s father Yograj Singh was heard spewing venom against Hindus and hailing Bhindranwale.
‘Farmers Protest’ venue has become a spot for the reunion of all anti-BJP individuals and organisations. Khalistani separatists with the support of ISI had launched ‘referendum 2020’ to succeed Punjab from India. With the said project gaining nothing this year, their apologists are spending all their energy in this protest. Bringing celebrities to rally behind this ‘project’ is an attempt to bring youth to this trap.