Three Army soldiers and a BSF jawan were martyred in an encounter with terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir’s Machil sector in Kupwara district on Sunday morning. The military action took place after terrorists tried to infiltrate the Line of Control (LoC). Three terrorists were killed by the security forces, Defence spokesperson said in a statement.
Around 1 am, a BSF patrol noticed suspicious movement around 3.5 km from the LoC, defence spokesperson Col Rajesh Kalia said in a statement.
According to Indian Army, suspicious movement of unidentified persons was detected by patrolling party at Machil Sector on the intervening night of November 7-8 and the terrorists were intercepted while they were trying to infiltrate inside India. Security forces have seized a huge amount of arms and ammunitions from the terrorists.
“Suspicious movement of unidentified persons detected by own patrolling party near LC fence at Machil Sector (in Kupwara district of north Kashmir) on night 7-8 November at 0100 hours,” defence spokesman Col Rajesh Kalia said.
“Constable Sudip Sarkar lost his life during the operation in Machil Sector. Reinforcements received from Indian Army. Joint operation still underway,” BSF said