S. Ganesh
The US presidential election is on, and the contest is keen between the Republican candidate and current President Donald Trump and Mr Joe Biden, the Democratic candidate. Many other parties might be contesting, or individuals might also be in the US presidential election due tomorrow.
The Republican Party, led by Donald Trump, is committed to the majority of the population of European Americans who face problems on job lives from others. The US President Ronald Reagan was there twice who was from Hollywood who ruled for 8 years, and during that time.
African American pop stars Michael Jackson Lionel Riche Prince gained popularity and money. During that era, many TV series also promoted African American characters in Different Strokes Webster Jefferson and others were popular and promoted racial equality On the other hand during African American President Barack Obama not even a single.TV series had such themes or popularised racial equality.
Democratic Party is the party of rich educated and sophisticated promoting intermingling and allowing divorces widows gay, lesbian themes and the like and has Joe Biden as Presidential candidate. They cannot advocate economic progress for the majority of Americans except in wrong ways mostly.
The growth in the population of US and intermingling of races have created problems to all, and it is felt even in India also Reagan advocated family in his campaign in the 1980s in a small-town Illinois, and it was well-received It is time also now as there are divorces or other evil modernity sweeping the US and India again in a way.
The foreigners have much to gain from Biden who promises to include them always and other nations or America’s adversary Russia has much to gain from Republican presidency because that party is committed to no wars and taking American soldiers from foreign soils leaving the world at much peace.
The election is eagerly fought, and we don’t know the outcome. We will wait to see as both parties represent democratic capitalist ideology leaving little room for poor, uneducated people of good backgrounds and good culture.
In democratic capitalist societies room is given for individual achievement and education and little room for moderately educated and good-natured persons as in India UK or the USA It is very much felt in countries such as the US or India.
India has nothing to lose from anyone as it is far closer to the US than before although Manmohan Singh’s government-supported Russia in Crimea annexation. The present doesn’t say or do much with Russia although few times we see leaders meeting on occasions.
India has nothing to gain or lose from US presidential elections as it is closer to the US than before. Still, during Manmohan Singh’s UPA government also India signed treaties with the US as Civilian Nuclear agreement etc.
(The Writer is the HOD in Journalism and Communication in HCAS Chennai)