Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid tribute to Keshubhai Patel, who passed away at 92, and expressed his condolences to the family of the former Gujarat chief minister. In an obituary posted on social media, Shri Narendra Modi remembered Patel as a mentor who groomed many younger karyakartas including him.
Prime Minister’s condolence message
Our beloved and respected Keshubhai has passed away…I am deeply pained and saddened. He was an outstanding leader who cared for every section of society. His life was devoted towards the progress of Gujarat and the empowerment of every Gujarati.
Keshubhai travelled across the length and breadth of Gujarat to strengthen the Jana Sangh and BJP. He resisted the Emergency tooth and nail. Issues of farmer welfare were closest to his heart. Be it as MLA, MP, Minister or CM, he ensured many farmer friendly measures were passed.
Keshubhai mentored and groomed many younger Karyakartas including me. Everyone loved his affable nature. His demise is an irreparable loss. We are all grieving today. My thoughts are with his family and well-wishers. Spoke to his son Bharat and expressed condolences. Om Shanti.