France and rest of the world will see more such gruesome incidents in the near future as Europe is on the target with the first stage won by infiltrating six million Muslims into it. The Syria-ISIS game is out to have a final battle to control ageing Europe
France teacher Samuel Paty (Inset) was beheaded by his student for allegedly insulting the Prophet
“A TERRORIST in Paris last week asked students to point out a teacher who showed Prophet Mohammed cartoons in class before beheading him in the street.”
Last week, this was the headline of almost all newspapers, news websites and TV across the globe after a terrorist beheaded a History and Geography teacher Samuel Patty, 47, who previously received death threats for producing the images in a lesson on freedom of expression. The suspect has been named as 18-year-old Muslim boy Abou Alakh—a Russian national of Chechen origin—who was believed to be furious on showing the cartoon on Muhammad. This happened in Paris, the capital city of France, the most liberal country after India in terms of religious freedom until it turned paradise for the radical Islamic extremists.
There are debates on ‘some people doing this in the name of Islam cannot be generalised as to the whole of Islam.’ Instances being quoted from other religions to justify that all are not same and few are everywhere. Let’s understand the root cause of this killing, beheading in the name of apostate and blasphemy in Islam. We have seen ISIS and other terror organisation doing the same and propagating it on the media. It’s basically to instil fear amongst those who speak up against the cruel, outrageous practices in the seventh-century Arabian tribal warfare to grab money, land and females of other Kabila. It was fought, conquered, looted than distributed among the members. The loot included females as well and distributed. Islam is only for males, the females being treated as a commodity. Hence the male can use, abuse, change, and exchange the female is the biggest reason for not allowing reforms.
The killing triggered massive protest across France
Islam needs to reform if Muslims wish to live peacefully with others. Because if at all the Islamic caliphate becomes reality the things would be worse, as Pakistan, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, Iran, Iraq etc. are Islamic countries but are the reason of worry for the world and themselves too
In Quran its quoted by the God, that all the messengers before Muhammad and their teachings will abide by the Muslims, it implies the Ved, Puran, Upanishad, Ramayan, Mahabharat and God’s incarnations are too to be followed by every Muslim including Tanakh and Bible. Not following the commandments of the Quran is disobedience to the teaching of Allah; hence each Muslim is apostate!
And shall be beheaded!
- According to Islamic hadiths Nadriban Al Harith, who was an Arab Pagan doctor from Taif, used to tell stories of Rustam and Isfandiyar to the Arabs and scoffed Muhammad. After the battle of Badr, Al-Harith was captured and, in retaliation, Muhammad ordered his execution in the hands of Ali. So the first beheading was ordered by the Prophet himself. According to certain hadiths, after Mecca’s fall, Muhammad ordered many enemies executed. Based on this early jurists postulated that sabb al-Nabi (abuse of the Prophet) was a crime “so heinous that repentance was disallowed and summary execution was required”.
Kamlesh Tiwari
On December 2, 2015, Azam Khan, a politician from Samajwadi Party from Uttar Pradesh, made a sarcastic comment on decriminalisation of homosexuality law, targetting the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). Kamlesh Tiwari of Hindu Samaj Party retaliated with a similar comment on Prophet Muhammad. On October 18, 2019, Tiwari was brutally murdered by two Muslim assailants, Fariduddin Shaikh and Ashfaq Shaikh, in his office-cum-residence at Lucknow
- The only punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is that they should be murdered, or crucified, or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides, or they should be imprisoned. This shall be a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement. Except those who repent before you overpower them; so know that Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. [Quran 5:33–34] Those who annoy Allah and His Messenger—Allah have cursed them in this world and in the hereafter, and has prepared for them a humiliating Punishment. Truly, if the Hypocrites, and those in whose hearts is a disease, and those who stir up sedition in the City, desist not, We shall certainly stir thee up against them: Then will they not be able to stay in it as thy neighbours for any length of time: They shall have a curse on them: whenever they are found, they shall be seized and slain (without mercy). [Quran 33:57–61
- When the Lord inspired the angels (saying) I am with you. So make those who believe stand firm. I will throw fear into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Then smite the necks and smite of them each finger. (8:12)
- Now when ye meet in battle those who disbelieve, then it is smiting of the necks until, when ye have routed them, making fast of bonds; and afterwards either grace or ransom ’til the war lay down its burdens. (47:4)
Let’s have a look on few incidents out of millions of such cases where people from both Muslim and non-Muslim communities were beheaded for so-called apostate or blasphemy.
Case 1
‘Rangila Rasool’ was written by a disciple of Swami Dayanand namely Pundit MA Chamupati or Krishan Prataab in 1927, whose name was never revealed by the publisher, Mahashe Rajpal of Lahore. The book was a retaliatory action from the Hindu community against a pamphlet published by a Muslim denigrating Mata Sita. But based on Muslim complaints, Rajpal was arrested & acquitted in April 1929 as there was no law against insult to religion. The section 295A which penalises offensive utterances was framed in the aftermath of the Rangila Rasool case, Jinnah helped frame it. Rangila Rasool had a surface appearance of a lyrical and laudatory work on Muhammad and his teachings. For example, it began with a poem which went “The bird serves the flowers in the garden; I’ll serve my Rangila Rasool”, and called Muhammad “a widely experienced” person who was best symbolised by his many wives, in contrast with the lifelong celibacy of Hindu saints. The references were taken from Islamic scriptures only.
Muslims continued trying to kill Chamupati. After several unsuccessful attempts on him, he was stabbed to death by Ilmuddin a young Muslim carpenter on April 6 1929. Ilmuddin was sentenced to death on October 31 1929. He was represented by Mohammad Ali Jinnah as a defence lawyer, the so-called great secular leader until then. The so-called philosopher Allama Iqbal led the funeral ceremony, where he declared: “This uneducated young man has surpassed us, the educated ones.” One of pre-Independence India’s outstanding thinkers had no qualms in glorifying murder in the name of hurt religious sentiment. Ilmuddin is now revered as a ghazi in Pakistan. The greatest surprise ever is Mahatma Gandhi condemned Chamupati for writing Rangila Rasool and justified killing of him by Ilmuddin. This dark part of history was never shown to society by the leftist historian and resulted in the radicalisation of Islam in there backing day by day.
Case 2
On December 2, 2015, Azam Khan, a politician from Samajwadi Party from Uttar Pradesh, made a sarcastic comment of decriminalisation of homosexuality law towards life workers of Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS) ‘homosexuals. Kamlesh Tiwari of Hindu Samaj Party retaliated with comments on Prophet Muhammad that he was the first homosexual having relations with his friend Abu Bakr, which were as usual considered derogatory by thousands of Indian Muslims who protested & rioted across the nation and demanded death penalty and beheading for Tiwari. Tiwari was arrested, charged under the National Security Act, by the Samajwadi Party Government-led by CM Akhilesh Yadav and jailed for about a year by the Uttar Pradesh Police.
On October 18, 2019, Tiwari was murdered by two Muslim assailants, Fariduddin Shaikh and Ashfaq Shaikh, in his office-cum-residence at Lucknow. Tiwari killed with his throat slit. According to police officials, the assailants kept a revolver and knife inside the sweets box. During the attack, one assailant slit his throat while another fired at him. He was stabbed 15 times. The self-acclaimed Muslim leader Asad Owessi celebrated the killing while he was descending at an election gathering in Mumbai.
Case 3
On September 26, a young Muslim man of Pakistani origin stabbed two people Friday outside the former Paris offices of satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, where 12 people were killed in 2015. A video from Back home Pakistan surfaced on social media where his father was seen celebrating the act of his son in the path of Deen or Jihad and wowed to send his remaining two sons in the work of Allah that is Jihad.
Ali Muhammad Khan, a Pakistani Minister, tweeted “Beheading is the only punishment for those who mock the Prophet Muhammad,” in Urdu, “One cannot be a Muslim unless one considers the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as the last Prophet and the last messenger. Belief in the end of prophethood is the foundation of Islam,” Khan added in another tweet.
Case 4
A Muslim man in Copenhagen, Denmark was arrested for threatening Elizabeth II, the queen of Sweden and her family for beheading her. In October 2019 he wrote on social media extensively against the Royal family. When arrested by police, he said in the court he was following the path of Islam as per the Quran.
Case 5
Nigeria-The murder and beheading of Gideon Akaluka, a young merchant who allegedly desecrated the Quran, led the outbreak of unrest in May 1995, kept a city of about 3 million people at the edge of a knife.
Abdullahi Umaru was murdered after Musa Yaro furiously raised his voice and read an excerpt from Risallah, the Islamic edition, and then passed his sentence: “He who insults our Prophet Muhammed must die. You, Abdullahi Umaru, who insulted the holy Prophet Mohammed, must therefore pay the price for your crime. You have to die by the sword.”
Case 6
In Nigeria a woman, Brigade Agbaheme allegedly murdered for “blasphemy” against Prophet Muhammad.
According to Sahara Reporters, “Angry Muslims youths in Kano decapitated a woman trader over allegations that she blasphemed Prophet Muhammad.
The victim, who was said to be of Igbo extraction, was accused of blasphemy during a religious argument at Wambai market.”
By going through the incidents, we can conclude the similar patterns of beheading, slitting the throat, or killing by any mean in the name of blasphemy and celebrating it is evident that the motive is to dictate and superimpose Islamic sharia tradition upon the non-Islamic people. The vision of Islamic caliphate is primary teaching to any Muslim kid. Reducing the number of disbelievers by any mean is service to Allah; one will find heaven with beautiful girls and wines after death. There is one famous phrase in the Quran “convince the disbeliever to embrace Islam, threaten if doesn’t agree and kill him if doesn’t convert.”
Islam needs to reform if Muslims wish to live peacefully with others. Because if at all the Islamic caliphate becomes reality the things would be worse, as Pakistan, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, Iran, Iraq etc. are Islamic countries but are the reason of worry for the world and themselves too. France & rest of the world will see more such gruesome incidents in the near future as Europe is on the target with the first stage won by infiltrating six million Muslims into it. The Syria-ISIS game is out to have a final battle to control ageing Europe.
(The writer is a research scholar)