In yet another startling revelation over the anti-India forces from abroad being part of the anti-CAA agitation, Legal Rights Observatory has revealed that the NGO Human Rights Law Network (HRLN) of anti-India activist Colin Gonsalves had received Rs. 50 crores from four European Churches for the purpose of defending anti-CAA rioters and activists legally in courts.
LRO in a series of tweets exposed the nexus between the Church abroad and their activists like Colin Gonsalves in India who do their bidding for money. Colin Gonsalves who became famous for witch-hunting against PM Modi after the 2002 Gujarat riots, was in the news for being one of the brains behind the anti-CAA riots across India. Now, with the latest revelation by LRO, it is affirmed that the Church and NGOs are hand-in-glove to create unrest in India. The Church organisations had funded HRLN as patrons of its “Socio-Legal Information Center’ whose task was to defend the rioters in courts.
The Church denominations which have been exposed for funding unrest in India through HRLN are: Bread for the World Germany (Protestant), DKA Austria (Catholic), MISEREOR (German Catholic), Karuna TrustUK (Dalit- Buddhist) INCLO (13 NGOs) and Belgium HQ European Commission.
The HRLN on its website openly claims that its lawyers defended stone pelters, rioters, arsonists and criminal elements involved in anti-CAA riots across the country. HRLN had also defended the prime riot accused Safoora Zargar. LRO says that utilisation of foreign funds for anti-India activities is a direct violation of FCRA Section 12A(4)(V)(VI) and 12(4B) 1,2,3,6.
The LRO has written to the Union Home Ministry in this regard and has sought arrest and prosecution of Colin Gonsalves and other directors of HRLN by invoking UAPA agains them.
The Modus Operandi
LRO has also revealed the way the nexus to defend anti-CAA rioters through HRLN works. The HRLN appoints retired SC judges as directors to manipulate, influence justice in its favor in various litigations in the High Courts. This is the same method adopted by HRLN while defending POCSO accused in Delhi HC and forced the judge to make National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) and its chairperson personally a party for order passed by the Commission.
LRO says that this proves that HRLN has committed a serious act of sedition by accepting crores from Church groups to fuel unrest, riot and anarchy in India using CAA as an alibi. This is a fit case to invoke UAPA against Colin Gonsalves, all of its directors including Retd judges. They have to be arrested and prosecuted, says LRO in its complaint letter to the Union Home Ministry.
Details of Funds received by HRLN
LRO has put out the details of the Church denominations that funded HRLN, along with the time period, their addresses, purpose, date of credit and the amounts. The images below show the same:
