The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Wednesday began interrogation of Bineesh, son of CPM state secretary Balakrishnan, in connection with the diplomatic baggage gold smuggling and the recent Bengaluru drugs case. He appeared at the Kochi office of the investigation agency at around 10 a.m
The ED on Tuesday had sent notice to CM state general secretary’s son and actor Bineesh asking to appear for interrogation.
The agencies are now probing whether Bineesh is involved in aiding the accused in both the cases. It is also suspected that Bineesh was the one who arranged a hideout for gold smuggling case accused, Swapna Suresh in Bangalore.
Bineesh’s name had also emerged in the Bengaluru drugs case. One of the arrested accused – a drug peddler – Mohammed Anoop has named Bineesh in his voluntary statement to the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB). Anoop claimed that Bineesh and another friend helped him financially in opening the ‘Hyaat restaurant’ in Bengaluru in 2018.