– VSK Karnataka

Hindu Spiritual and Service Foundation [HSSF] and Initiative For Moral and Cultural Foundation [IMCTF] to jointly conduct ‘Prakriti Vandan in Association with Paryavaran Samrakshan to imbibe reverence towards the Nature creations.
Hindu Spiritual and Service Foundation [HSSF] and Initiative For Moral and Cultural Foundation [IMCTF] jointly conducts Prakriti Vandan in Association with Paryavaran Samrakshan a Wing of RSS to imbibe reverence towards the Nature creations all over the country in 100 centres on 30th August 2020 from 10.00am to 11am.
RSS Sarsanghachalak will grace the occasion.
HSSF was founded on the motto ||Athmano Mokshartham Jagat Hitaya Cha || meaning of the Rig Veda dictum ―Service to beings-animate or inanimate is the way to attain Moksha, through main four pillars of the ?Sanatana Dharma‘ viz.families, societies, economies of nations and humanity. It is important to understand humanity for which to understand life values also is equally important.
HSSF has defined these life values in six basic themes :
- Preserve Forests and Protect wild life
- Conserve Ecology;
- Sustainable environmental protection;
- Inculcate Human & Family values;
- Foster Women Respect
- Conserve Ecology;
- Sustainable environmental protection;
- Inculcate Human & Family values;
- Foster Women Respect
- Instill Patriotism
IMCTF was founded on the Isavasya Upanishad first verse –―
Isawasyam idam sarvam, yat kinchit jagatyaam jagat|
Tena tyaktena bhunjita maa grudha kasya swid dhanam||
Mahatma Gandhi explained the meaning as ‘Everything animate or inanimate is the manifestation of the Divine creation’

Sustainable Environment: Living in harmony with Nature has been an integral and unique part of our Bharatiya culture and tradition. This has been abundantly reflected in a variety of traditional practices, religious beliefs, rituals, folklore, arts&crafts, and in the daily lives of the Bharatiya people from time immemorial. Many ancient cultures tell us how communities lived in harmony with nature, with a tradition of reverence for the elements that constitute ecosystem‘s, drawing their sustenance from natural resources and at the same time protecting the environment that sustains them. Conservation of nature and natural resources has been a much challenging task in the present state of affairs where economy prevails over ecology and increases our social responsibility.
Paryavaran Samrakshan is a wing of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh which is working for environmental protection is also associated with this programme. ―Prakruti Vandan‖ highlights that all creations in the Universe are Inter-related, inter-dependent and integrated. The Program is about doing a symbolic ―Prakruti Vandan‖ innovatively, keeping in mind the new norms of Social and Physical distancing and by wearing mask. This program will be live through various tools of Social media.
It is expected that families perform ― Vandan at home or Personal garden or Public gardens (with maintaining all type of physical distancing norms and wearing masks) at the same time. A symbolic Vandan by doing Aarti for any one or more of the following symbols to showcase the reverence towards the respective Themes may be done by the performer‘s choice.
- Tree [Vruksh]—Vruksha Vandan,
- Snake [Naag] —Naaga Vandan; Elephant [Gaja]—Gaja Vandan, Cow [Go]—Go Vandan, Tulasi—Tulasi Vandan;
- Mother Earth[Bhoomi]—Bhoomi Vandan, Water Bodies [Ganga]—Ganga Vandan.
With this communication a humble request is made to: Religious organisations, Academic Institutions, Corporate houses, business community, Professionals, NGOs, Families and people from all walks of life to spread message for participation in this program.