The incident of Sadhu Saravanan driven to suicide due to torture by a Christian SI Anthony Michael in Tamil Nadu had shocked and angered the country. The 40-year old distraught Sadhu took the extreme step of ending is life unable to bear the torture and humiliation at the hand of Sub inspector of police Anthony Michael.
Despite the Sadhus dying declaration in a video where he blamed the torture of him and his children by SI Anthony Michael, the TN police are yet to file and FIR or take action against the accused SI. With shocking details of the SI beating and humiliating the Sadhu’s kids emerging, Legal Rights Observatory (LRO) has petitioned the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR), GOI and has sought action against the SI Anthony Michael and others.
LRO took to Twitter and wrote “Shocking details revealed in suicide of Tamilnadu Saivait Sadhu Sarvanan; accused police offcr #AnthonyMichael beaten up minor kids of deceased Sadhu. We hv sought @NCPCR_ intervention n FIR against guilty under JJ Act. Hope commission take urgent steps 3 ensure justice”.
In another tweet LRO informed that they have also sought the intervention of the Union Home Ministry to direct the state home ministry, DGP and SP to act on the complaint and take suitable action against the accused SI. The LRO petition also sought justice for the Sadhu and his aggrieved family, including his minor children who were assaulted by the SI.
Subsequently, Legal Rights Protection forum (LRPF) too has written to the National Human Rights Commission over the case. The LRPF has filed a petition before National Human Rights Commission seeking directions to TN Police Dept to register FIR against Mr. Anthony Michael, Sub-Inspector and to take necessary action against him.