Hatred of India and Hinduphobia is not alien to The Hindu newspaper and its staff. Right from its owners to its editors have all displayed their hate of India in the name of opposing PM Modi and their Hindu-hate is a regular phenomenon. However, one of its Associate Editor crossed the like by wishing that a Beirut like blasts happen in India too, so that PM Modi’s cabinet quits.
The hate for Modi turned into hate for India was displayed this time by The Hindu Associate Editor Vaishna Roy. Tweeting with a news link from the New York times titled ‘After the Beirut Blast, Lebanon’s Whole Cabinet Quit. Now What?”, Vaishna Roy wrote “Will this ever happen in India? I wish. After the Beirut Blast, Lebanon’s Whole Cabinet Quit” on her timeline.
The New York Times article which is behind a pay wall reported that the Lebanon’s cabinet quit enmasse taking responsibility for the blasts. The Beirut blasts on August 2020 caused at least 177 deaths and 6,000 injuries. The property loss was estimated to be around US$10–15 billion which has left over 300,000 people homeless. By ‘wishing’ that such a blast happens in India, the Associate Editor of the Hindu has wished that hundreds of people die in India and lakhs rendered homeless so that the Modi cabinet quits!

A cursory look at the timeline of Vaishna Roy shows her visceral hatred of Modi government and its decisions. In a column on August 15 in a satirical piece titled ‘Ram Rajya. We’re almost there. Once the temple is up, that’s pretty much it’, she indicated the with the commencement of building of Ram Mandir, all of India’s problems would be solved. While none in the government or the Hindu fraternity have claimed so, the Left liberals including the one’s like Vaishna Roy display their Hinduphobia through such opinions.