Ram Prakash owned a small sweet shop at Phase 7 of Shiv Vihar in Delhi for the last 20 years. He had closed his shop on the fateful day as he was away attending a wedding in the family. Little did he know that his joy would turn into sorrow soon. The shutters of his shop was pried open and then burnt down only because he was a Hindu.
“I am devastated and ruined as everything I had is lost.” rues Ram Prakash as he narrates the ordeal with Organiser.
“A mob of nearly 300 people came to the lane raising chants of Allahu Akbar. My shop was closed when the mob burned it down. They opened the shutters by force and first looted materials worth 10,000 rupees. Later they burned the entire shop.”, cried Ram Prakash as he narrated the incident.
He also said that he had set up the sweet shop for 20 years and there was no problem till now. He was happily away at a wedding in the family and had closed the shop. Yet the hatred of the Jihadis against Hindus was such that the shutters were forced open, looted and burnt completely.
Ram Prakash has now lost everything from which he earned his daily bread. He rues that no politician has come to meet him and alleviate his suffering.