The Citizenship Amendment Bill was passed in the Lok Sabha 2 days ago and will be presented in the Rajya Sabha today. But before the debate begins in RS, few opposition parties led by the Congress, the Left and NGOs have been indulging in false propaganda over the bill. While some say that Muslims will become 2nd-class citizens in the country, others allege that it is a ‘communal’ amendment to make India a ‘Hindu Rashtra’. They are even attempting to rope in foreign agencies like the USCIRF to pressurize the government over the bill.
Notwithstanding the facts that are already out but conveniently sidelined by the opposing parties, the Central Government has put of a series busting the myths spread over CAB. The PIB in a series of tweets has addressed the concerns and myths from CAB’s effect on Assam Accord to discrimination against Muslims. The myths and the facts are as below:
Myth 1: CAB will provide citizenship to Hindus from Bengal thus altering the demographics of West Bengal and NE states
Myth 2: CAB will dilute the Assam Accord
Myth 3: CAB is against the interests of the indigenous people of Assam
Myth 4: CAB will lead to domination of Bengali speaking people in Assam and NE
Myth 5: Bengali Hindus will become a burden for Assam due to CAB
Myth 6: CAB will trigger migration of Hindus from Bangladesh
Myth 7: Tribal lands will be taken away for accommodating Bengali Hindus
Myth 8: CAB discriminates against Muslims