Jammu Municipal Corporation, ruled by the BJP, passed a resolution to declare the birth anniversary of Maharaja Hari Singh on September 23 as State holiday.
BJP corporator Narotam Sharma moved the resolution, which was passed without any opposition, in the general house meeting. Out of a total of 75 corporators, 43 members belong to the BJP. The resolution has been sent to Governor Satya Pal Malik for his consent.
Here is the full text of the resolution passed by the Jammu Municipal Corporation on July 19.
“Honorable Mayor, Sir
With your kind permission, I move the following resolution in the house and hope that all honourable members of this house would support the cause forgetting their party affiliation.
“As all of us are aware that there is long pending demand of nationalist people of Jammu including the family members of Late Maharaja Hari Singh ji, former ruler of the state to declare 23rd September as State Holiday in J &K.
I am sure none of us sitting in this August house or outside can forget the brave role of Late Maharaja Hari Singh ji in unification of this state with union of India despite the fact that many forces external as well as internal were against his decision to join Indian union.
Late Maharaja was a progressive and visionary ruler who had enacted several landmark public welfare laws that brought significant changes in lives of people of his State.
Declaring 23rd September as State Holiday would be a tribute to the great noble Soul.
Let this resolution be passed in the house requesting the government to declare 23rd September, the Birthday of Maharaja as State Holiday.
Narotam Sharma
Corporator W. No 3, JMC”