New Delhi: “Samskars have been the unique identity of Bharat. It is basically due to corruption in samskars that the special identity that Bharat enjoyed for centuries world over has declined. We have to restore that glory by curbing the corruption that is damaging our time tested values of life,” said noted economist and RSS Uttar Kshetra Sanghachalak Dr Bajrang Lal Gupt while releasing two books published by Sanskar Bharat on March 18. The first book, ‘Ardhkumbh’ is based on the activities held during Prayagraj Kumbh, while the other book is basically a diary, Dainandini’ which has been published as a tribute to the founder member of Sanskar Bharati, the late Haribhau Vakankar, whose birth centenary is beginning on May 4. Veteran Kalasadhak Baba Yogendra ji, general secretary of Sanskar Bharati Shri Amirchand and many other eminent personalities from the field of arts and culture were also present.
From left Dr Hemlata S. Mohan, Shri Bankelal, Dr Bajrang Lal Gupt, Baba Yogendraji, Shri Suresh Bindal and Shri Rajesh Chetan releasing ‘Ardhkumbha’ in New Delhi
Dr Gupt further said art is the medium to express culture and samskars but it is the responsibility of the artists to correct the ills that have adversely affected our art for some time. He said the Sanakar Bharati is working to restore art to its original form. He stressed the need that the artists should transfer their art to worthy persons so that it benefits the coming generations also.
Baba Yogendraji shared the wonderful performance by tribal artists from north-eastern states during the Prayagraj Kumbh. He also shared his association with Haribhau Vakankar who ensured worldwide recognition to cave paintings. He said the birth centenary of Vakankarji would be celebrated all over the country.