Senior BJP leader Anil Parihar and his brother Ajit Parihar were shot dead by unidentified gunmen, in a suspected terror attack, at Kishtwar town on November 1 evening. Anil Parihar was secretary of the state BJP and one of the senior leaders of the party.
The incident took place at Tappal Gali near Veterinary Hospital in Kishtwar at 9.10 pm. After the killings, tension flared up in communally-sensitive Kishtwar town. Hundreds of people gathered outside Kishtwar hospital. Section 144 has been imposed in the district.
The incident took place when they were returning home after closing the stationery shop in Kishtwar town. As soon as the brothers reached near Tappal Gali, some unknown persons appeared from nearby streets and killed both of them from point blank range, a source said, adding, situation in very tense in Kishtwar town.
BJP leader MLC Surinder Ambardar condemned the brutal killings. Talking to Organiser, he said “The nefarious design of ISI and anti-Indian groups will be fought at all levels. This is the first attack on any political leader in the Jammu region in past several years. The patriotism shown by Anil Parihar and Ajit Parihar will spark into new era of Rashtravad. I strongly condemn this cowardly act. Not a single ultra and their supporters will be spared.”
Divisional Commissioner (Jammu) Sanjeev Verma said that police are investigating the matter.