President Ram Nath Kovind Urges Kerala to Shun Political Violence

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President Ram Nath Kovind called upon on political groups and citizens to work hard to curb political violence in the state. He said, political violence does not have any place in the country’s constitution. If this issue is taken seriously, it will be little justice to the glorious tradition of the state. Rashtrapati was inaugurating the Festival Democracy to mark the conclusion of the diamond jubilee celebrations of the Kerala Legislative Assembly.
Observers took it as a comment on the red-jihadi terror activities and killings curbing which the LDF regime develops cold feet. Naturally, President’s comments have provoked the regime. Its reaction came in the form of a counter from the LDF convener and CPM leader K Vijayaraghavan. But he did not have much arms in his sheath to counter the head of the state. Instead, he resorted to the usual style of blaming BJP and Islamic fundamentalists. But, by equating both, he defeated the very idea of addressing the burning issue from a realistic angle. The very tricky methods of equating nationalist forces and anti-national forces have been the modus operandi of CPM since long, and its aim is to give undeserving image boost to the fundamentalists. The bottom line is cheap vote bank politics.
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