Organiser and Panchjanya readers and well wishers in Haryana have launched a massive subscription drive with the target of enrolling at least 25,000 subscribers. As part of the drive they enrolled Olympian Sakshi Malik in Bahadurgarh on September 5. Similar campaign is being designed in Odisha too
New Delhi: Organiser and Panchjanya readers and well wishers in Haryana have launched massive subscription drive to ensure the reach of both the news magazines in all the districts and also to enroll maximum number of committed readers. The workers engaged in the drive received a big boost on September 5 when Olympian Sakshi Malik subscribed both Panchjanya and Organiser in Bahadurgarh. An activist Amandeep, who is Nagar College Vidyarhti Pramukh of RSS, enrolled her as a subscriber when Sakshi was in the city.
The drive in all 21 districts of Haryana began on September 1 and will conclude on September 18. They have fixed the target of enrolling at least 25,000 subscribers. The level of ground work done before launching the drive can be understood from the fact that about 72 preparation meetings were held in all the 21 districts of Haryana. About 2,000 readers and well wishers attended the meetings and pledged to contribute in the drive actively. They are of the firm opinion that what the mainstream media do not publish or show is provided by both the Organiser and Panchjanya. The idea of starting the drive developed from the readers” meetings held at some places sometime back. The initial response to the drive in Haryana has been tremendous and it is hoped that they would enroll more subscribers than their target. The readers and well wishers in some other states have also expressed willingness to start similar campaigns in their respective states.
The readers and well wishers in Odisha organised a meeting on September 6 in Bhubaneswar to discuss how to kick start the campaign. The readers also gave some suggestions about the content of both the magazines. Prominent columnists who joined the discussion included Shri Saumendra Jena, Shri Jngya Balka Mohanty, Shri Dharmendra Panda, Shri Susanta Nayak and Shri Manas R Mohanty. They shared their views about the magazines and suggested the ways to make the subscription campaign a success. Joining the discussion RSS Purva Kshetra Karyavah Shri Gopal Prasad Mohpatra stressed on increasing the circulation of the magazines and also focusing on the analysis of the news, which is not carried by the mainstream media.
RSS Bhubaneswar Mahanagar Sah Karyavah Shri Jayakrusna Prusti presided over the discussion. RSS Nagar Karyavah Sri Saumendra Jena introduced the dignitaries. The
meeting concluded with a decision to meet at least five times a year. It was second meeting in that series.
— Organiser Bureau