(Organiser, 27.9. 2015); This refers to the editorial titled ‘Politics Beyond Power’ and few more articles on Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya in Organiser. Deendayalji’s ideals would always be a source of inspiration for us. His conviction, that “Political power should be a means rather than an end” is a very high ideal. For most of the political parties in our country, power is everything, and they try to grab it, by all possible foul means, even at the cost of security of the nation, with the support of anti-national and anti-Hindu elements, and also criminals. It would not be possible to establish truth and dharma, under the present constitutional and national set up. Now Shri Narendra Modi has achieved political power and we expect that he would establish the rule of
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Congregation of Muslim Gau Palak
(Organiser, 27.9.2015 ); This refers to the article ‘Congregation of Muslim Gau Palak’ by Virag Pachpore in Organiser, page no. 57. It is heartening to note that the Muslim community in Mewat (Harayana State) have come forward in support of cow-protection under the banner of' Muslim Rashtriya Manch (MRM). This is very much clear that many a people in Muslim community are aware of the importance of cow. In fact Muslims in Bharat never consumed beef, though they relied on other modes of meat, even during the 800 years of Muslim rule in Bharat, where many Muslim rulers in Bharat be it Babur, Humayun, Tipu Sultan, Haider Ali Khan or even Aurangzeb, banned cow slaughter in their empires. This matter was instigated during the period of British India, when cow and pig fat were used in cartridges, which irked both Hindu and Muslim communities and resulted in the Freedom Struggle of Bharat in 1857 initiated by Mangal Pandey, who was a sepoy in the Army of British India. We hope that both Hindu and Muslim community would jointly work for complete eradication of cow slaughter. Here, I wish to quote the words of Prophet Mohammed “Among the four legged animals, Cow is the supreme,treat it with respect” I had happened to meet the convener of MRM, Mohd. Faiz Khan in Bengaluru who clearly told me that that “Gau Mata” (Cow-Mother) is not only the mother of the Hindus, but also Muslims, Christians, Jews, Sikhs and the whole world, who consume cow milk, its products and uses its dung in organic farming .
Pakistan’s Duplicity
It was clear from the marked increase in the incidents of ceasefire violation on the borders with Pakistan that the National Security Advisor level talks between Bharat and Pakistan to discuss terrorism was unacceptable to the Pakistan Army. Pakistan Army chief, General Raheel Sharif has prevailed upon Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, and contrary to the agenda agreed upon in Ufa between the two Prime Ministers, Pakistan National Security advisor Sartaj Aziz insisted on raking up the Kashmir issue and on talking to Hurriyat leaders, claming that the latter were representatives of the Kashmiri people. There have been democratic governments in Kashmir elected by the people through free and fair elections. Hurriyat leaders kept away from these elections. The huge voter turnout in elections, defying the Hurriyat’s threats, is a proof of the Hurriyat’s rejection by the people. Pakistan has blamed Bharat for setting conditions for the NSA meet, but it was Pakistan which was deviating from the agreed agenda. Bharat did well to stand firm.
Justice Denied
I cannot understand how the verdict in the Upahaar tragedy case can be called ‘balanced’. Cut the junk and try to focus on the crux of the tragedy. The hall was owned by the Ansals. The exits were blocked. People died because they could not leave the building since the owners had not provided for safe exits in case of emergency. Do we not need to jail businessmen who profit from the customers but treat the latter’s lives casually?
NISHANT, by Email