Vol. IV, No. 5 26 Bhadrapad 2007, September 11, 1950 Annas Four – Air Mail-/4/6 |
Pakistan Sends Armed Police to Restore Order
New Delhi, Friday (3rd Sept. 50). Pakistan armed police has been rushed to restore order in ‘Azad’ territory in Kashmir where the faction fight between the Abbas and Ibrahim group has developed into large-scale insurrection. The areas of Poonch, Bagh and Palandri are seething with the content.
The followers of Ibrahim are organising regular revolt and setting up at many places parallel administration. Law courts and district offices are being picketed; procession and demonstrations against the Abbas group are being organise everyday and rioting occurs frequently.
In certain areas of Poonch the home guard recruited largely from the Sudan community are in active revolt against the ‘Azad’ Government forces. Ibrahim himself is a Sudan and the Sudan consider Abbas to be an interloper and it seems they are determined to get him removed in spite of Pakistani preference for him. In fact on several occasions there have been armed clashes between them and Pakistan forces and armed police.
Plandari area is almost as acutely torn with strife. The Deputy Commissioner has asked for immediate aid from Pakistan to crush the anti 3-4 Abbas agitation and it is reported that he has also ordered the arrest of Lal Khan, the chief Salar of the local “Home Guards.” but so far no action has been taken against him. It would seem that the pro 3-4 Ibrahim elements are so strong that even the Deputy Commissioner prefers to act cautiously till further armed aid arrives from Pakistan.
In Bagh the ‘Azad’ administration has been largely paralysed by the activities of the followers of Ibrahim. Sporadic fighting has been reported from many villages and a large number of refugees are trying to get away from the strife-torn area to the other side of the cease-fire line.
Meanwhile Sardar Mohd. Ibrahim who, no doubt, has inspired this insurrection in ‘Azad’ territory is finding it difficult to face Pakistan authorities who have been forced to put restrictions on his movements. If the rebellion in ‘Azad’ area gets more out of hand, it is almost certain that he would be put behind the bars. Pro 3-4 Ibrahim elements are gaining strength and causing a serious problem to the Pakistan authorities.
The internment of Sardar Mohd. Ibrahim is naturally very awkward for the Government of Pakistan, but if his movements were not restricted probably it would be even more awkward for them. It is not exactly known where Ibrahim is kept today. He is certainly not in ‘Azad’ territory where Abbas would not tolerate him.
The “Azad” Kashmir area has become a theatre of extensive fighting between Pakistan troops and the local Poonchi population, according to some Poonchis who have escaped to the Kashmir valley quite recently.
Sardar Mohammad Ibrahim Khan, who was till lately the head of the “Azad” Kashmir Government and was Pakistan’s show boy at Lake Sucess. has been interned. He is charged with misappropriation of funds.
It is gathered from these Poonchis that Sardar Ibrahim Khan was recently replaced by Choudhry Ghulam Abbas, chief of the Muslim National Conference.
It is stated that Sardar Mohammad Ibrahim Khan protested strongly against the “Azad” territory being converted into a Pakistan colony and this annoyed the Karachi authorities. Supporters of Sardar Ibrahim Khan are believed to have risen in revolt against the Pakistan authorities. n