Intro: After the Political Revolution which was brought in by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, now the Cultural Revolution is urgently needed to continue the
‘Total Revolution’.
It is said that a nation has to be proud of itself to move forward, hence unless there is a big change in the intellectual elite, of India, unless it is more conscious of its heritage and of India’s greatness, which has begun to happen in a small way, it is going to be very difficult for India to bloom in the 21st century as a real super-power.
The greatest adversaries of an Indianised and spiritualised educationare the descendants of these ‘Brown Sahibs’ and the secular politicians, the journalists, the top bureaucrats, in fact the whole westernised cream of India, suffering from inferiority complex who are ruling India after Independence.
There is probably no other country in the world where it has become a national pastime among its educated class to denigrate its own culture and history, however great that has been over the many millennia of its existence. When great archaeological discoveries of India’s past are found, for example, they are not treated as a subject for national pride but are ridiculed as an exaggeration. These elites believe that ideas coming from west only are useful and reliable. Hence they don’t even look at their Vedic mathematics, which can solve complex mathematical problems within seconds. Therefore it is taught in foreign universities but unfortunately not in India.
Outside people need not pull Indians down. Indians are already quite busy keeping their people and the country as a whole from rising up. They would rather see the nation fail if they are not given the top position. It is only outside India that Indians succeed, often remarkably well, because their native talents are not stifled by the dominant cultural self-negativity and rabid divisiveness that exists in the country today.
The elite that dominates the universities, the media, the government and the business arenas is the illegitimate child of foreign interests and is often still controlled by foreign ideas and foreign resources. It cannot resist a bribe and there is much money from overseas to draw upon. Indian politicians the so-called secularists do not hesitate to sell their country down the river and it does not require a high price.
In order to revert this, education therefore in India has to be more Indianised—it is not a question of being nationalistic, or saffron oriented, as Indian Marxists are fond of saying but of knowing one’s own culture: the Vedas, the Bhagavad Gita, the Ramayana, which according to many western scholars stand among the greatest literary works ever written.
We must therefore save for India that entire treasure she has stored up, be in the form of knowledge, character and noble thought of her immemorial past. We must acquire for her the best knowledge that America and Europe can give her and assimilate it to her own peculiar type of national temperament. Then India will produce generation after generation, children who are proud of their own country and its great culture. The 21st century, then, will be the era of the East; this is where the sun is going to rise again, after centuries of decadence and submission to western colonialism; this is where the focus of the world is going to shift through real democracy.
The world is going towards annihilation and India holds the key to the world’s future, for India is the only nation which believes in the principle of Jivastha Jivyasam – Live and Let Live and not in Survival of the Fittest.
By God’s grace Shri Modi has won this election by a stupendous margin and has become not only the Prime Minister of India, but also a global leader. This is the victory of truth and nationalist forces, resulting in decimation of anti-Hindu, pro-terrorist forces and pseudo secular values. Now the revival of the glory of India is in near sight.
Anandshankar Pandya (The writer is a senior columnist)