Surya Namaskar

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Intro: Besides good health, Surya Namaskar also provides an opportunity to express gratitude to the sun for sustaining life on this planet.?

Children ,if you are pressed for time and looking for a single mantra to stay fit, here’s the answer. A set of 12 powerful yoga asanas (postures) that provide a good cardiovascular workout in the form of Surya Namaskar. Literally translated to sun salutation, these postures are a good way to keep the body in shape and the mind calm and healthy. Surya Namaskar is best done early morning on an empty stomach.
Each Sun Salutation round consists of two sets. These 12 yoga poses complete one set of Surya Namaskar. You might find several versions of doing Sun Salutation. However, it is best to stick to one particular sequence and practise it regularly for best results.
Besides good health, Surya Namaskar also provides an opportunity to express gratitude to the sun for sustaining life on this planet, For the next 10 days, start your day with a feeling of grace and gratitude towards the sun energy. Do 12 rounds of Sun Salutation, followed by other yoga poses and then rest deeply in yoga nidra. You might just find that this could be your mantra to stay fit, happy and peaceful. A mantra whose effect last through the day.

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