“It is high time we should change the mindset to deal with China, and should come out of the traditional Delhi centric policy making,” said Organiser editor Shri Prafulla Ketkar at Itanagar on October 6. He was speaking at the annual Rutum Kamgo Memorial Lecture at Hotel Chandni Conference Hall to commemorate third death anniversary of former RSS activist and visionary Rutum Kamgo, organised by Arunachal Pradesh Charitable Task (APCT). Former CM Gegong Apang, Leader of Opposition of Legislative Assembly Tamio Taga and many other eminent personalities were present on the occasion.
While speaking on “Expansionist and Encirclement Policy of China: The Indian Response”, he said since independence, we forgo our conventional wisdom and never used our civilisational links to create a sphere of influence. The desire to be non-aligned set the foreign policy tone in the defensive mode. We forgot the traditional teaching of Kautilya that your truth will be heard only if you are powerful. China, led by Mao, understood it and implemented it through mixture of aggressive nationalism and state controlled capitalism. Nehru by signing 1955 treaty of trade agreement with China, known as Panchsheel, fist time recognised Tibet as autonomous region. Lack of understanding about the Chinese aggressive mindset further made us defensive after 1962 war.
Shri Ketkar said since 1980s, China effectively implemented the encirclement policy to confine India within the South Asian. Though, the Pokhran test of 1998 had given India an opportunity for a major policy shift, the UPA I & II governments failed to achieve any breakthrough thereafter.
If there is any landmark change in the foreign policy of Modi government, then willingness to constructively engage with China on equal terms. For the purpose while strengthening bonds with the immediate neighbours, Modi’s India is trying to come out of Pak centric foreign policy. Simulta-neously, bonds with Japan and Vietnam are revived, which has compelled China to rethink its aggressive postures.
Shri Ketkar also highlighted the internal problems within China like student protests, labour unrest, disparities and divide between communist party and Chinese military. Praising the nationalistic spirit of Arunachalis, Shri Ketkar said the strong patriotic population at the borders is the real foot soldiers for the protection of the sovereignty. He appealed to the policymakers and civil society to work enough to embark upon the shifting border population throughout the international boundary of Arunachal Pradesh, which otherwise work as a natural deterrent wall against our skeptical neighbour. Shri RK Khrimey, former MP and presently president of Bharat Tibet Sahayog Manch said the attempts of China to depict Arunachalis as pro-Chinese would never be fruitful.
Earlier on November 5, talking to media persons Shri Ketkar said the philosophy of indigenous faiths of Northeastern tribes is very much in tune with the core Indian philosophy of worshipping nature and respecting all ways of worship. We need to bridge this gap and strengthen our cultural bonds. We should beware of divisive forces who tried to separate the northeast from rest of India.
Misinformation and lack of information is the root cause of this perception and media has a positive role to play in this regard. While replying to a question he said that India failed to project its global image as a civilisational power. He added that the whole world has changed its view towards India as an emerging power and expects a lot which has to be reciprocated by not only Indian leaders but also common Indian masses. RSS Prant Pracharak Shri Pradeep Joshi and Sah Prant Karyavah Shri Tamen Mize were also present during the press conference. —Bureau Report?