VOL. 1 NO. 14 DELHI: Thusday, Ashwin Krishna 2, October 2, 1947 FOUR ANNAS |
It is plain enough that the Muslims who are satisfied with the truncated Pakistan have definite designs to overrun the whole country. And for that matter we will have to take it for granted that they have made secret pacts with various powers in every way possible in what may be their “all out” effort.
On the announcement of the Boundary Commission Award Mr Jinnah said that the District of Gurdaspur was vital of Pakistan but now he says that the Muslims must abide by the award. This is a clever move to forestall any strengthening of the defences of this and other districts by the Indian Dominion. It is no surprise that no sooner has the Boundary Force been dissolved than the Muslims have occupied 150 villages on the East Punjab side of the border along a 200 mile long front from Ferozpore to Pathankot in Gurdaspur District.
Organised Attacks
Organised Muslim attacks on towans and villages in the Dominion of India have been carried out with great military precision, resulting in considerable loss of life and property of the peaceful and unarmed Hindus and Sikhs of these places. The Meos’ attack on Tijara, an important town in Alwar State, the Qadiani Muslims’ attack by aeroplanes on neighbouring Hindu villages in Gurdaspur District, the recent attacks on Hindu localities in Ludhiana proper and on another village in Gurdaspur District, and the latest attack by mortar shelling on Pullkanjari and Ghariala villages killing 200 to 300 Hindus including Sikhs and completely ruining and destrying the villages, should leave no doubt in the minds of our people as to the possibility of an immediate war between Pakistan and Hindusthan.
Whereas everybody knows that Pakistan have been achieved with the help of British intrigues and unparalleled mob violence, Mr Jinnah would have us believe that this marvellous achievement is due to the power of his pen and the righteousness of the cause of his people.
Can Mr Jinnah impress anybody that the Muslims are a peace-loving people and whatever they have achieved or still want to achieve was or would be through peaceful means? Certainly not. Let us therefore not think even for a moment that Mr Jinnah has “felt” the ruthless massacre of Hindus and Sikhs in the West Punjab or that he has made an earnest “appeal” to his followers to stop the lawlessness.
Empty Phrases
Mr Jinnah’s latest broadcast from Lahore contains some fine phrases to console (and mislead!) the Hindus. The following extract from his broadcast clearly shows what it is aimed at:
“Create enthusiasm and spirit and go forward with our task with courage and hope and we shall do it. Are we downhearted? Certainly not. The history of Islam is replete with instances of valour, grit and determination.
So march on notwithstanding obstructions, obstacles and interference and I feel confident that a united nation of 70 million people with a grim determination and with a great civilisation and history need fear nothing. It is now up to you to work, and work, and we are bound to succeed. Never forget our motto, unity, discipline and faith”.
So Mr Jinnah has given his sanction to accomplish the ‘task’ before the Muslims of Pakistan and Hindusthan (70 millions) who may not care for any “obstructions, obstacles and interference”, but march on and work and work so that they are “bound to succeed”. -By HS Khosla