Art on Walls
(Organiser, 27.7.2014) :This refers to the article ‘Art on Walls’ in Organiser. Idea mooted in the article is deeply appreciated. Many purposes are served by painting our city walls with our culture and heritage. First of all in these modern days when our new generation is losing track of its culture and heritage, this practice can be a reminder to this generation and thus can enhance their general knowledge. Secondly a city can get rid of posters which gives an ugly look to it .It can also avoid people urinating on the walls of our cities and lastly this will also give an aesthetic appearance to any city or town and provide a handsome job to many.
SETURAM ASPARI, Email: [email protected]
Principles, moral values are same in all religions
(Organiser, 20.7.2014 ) ; Apropos of the interview of Shri Anwar Ahmed by Dr Shakti Kumar Pandey in Organiser, ‘Principles, moral values are same in all religions’. It is a great solace to read that Shri Anwar Ahmed has done great service in bringing Hindus and Muslims together by translating Hindu religious literature into Urdu so that an ordinary Muslim can also read and understand it and thus remove the misconception about the Hindu religion which they have got. By doing this Shri Anwar Ahmed has helped both the communities because now they can come close to each other and live peacefully. The world is in need of more and more philanthropists like Shri Anwar.
PRAMOD PRABHAKAR VALSANGKAR, Dilsukhnagar, Hyderabad (AP), 500 060
Love Jihad
(Organiser, 7.9.2014); Congratulations to Organiser for taking out an issue on a very important and sensitive topic i.e. ‘Love Jihad’. It is amazing to see to what length the attainment of political power can contribute to the awakening of Hindu society. Had the BJP not adopted its resolution related to love jihad, the matter would never have received the many hours of media attention that it is now receiving. Previously, very few Hindus had even heard of love jihad. Now, Hindus will interact with their Muslim neighbours with caution. It is worthwhile to note that the current leadership of the BJP is made of staunch RSS swayamsevaks who are pro-Hindutva and not self-styled moderates or liberals. It is precisely because of this fact that the BJP could do what it has done. No apologist could have ever accomplished this. Good days certainly lie ahead if Modi sarkar is at the helm.
SHREEHARSH GODBOLE, Email:[email protected]
No need to be a Dictator to Teach ‘The Gita’
(Organiser, 24.8.2014 );Apropos to the article ‘No need to be a Dictator to Teach The Gita’ by Aditya Reddy in Organiser. He has given very convincing arguments for teaching of Gita, Mahabharata and other Hindu scriptures for the students to inculcate in them high moral values and make them a good citizen .But the biggest problem is that Muslims are against it and the secular brigade headed by the Congress must appease them to get Muslim votes en mass. Therefore the so-called secularism is made a tool to oppose such moves and such moves are condemned as communal and Hindu fundamentalism. It is unIslamic for a true Muslim to accommodate anything other than Quran. They cannot co-exist with others. That is why they created Pakistan as a separate homeland exclusively meant for the Muslims of India. Even Jinnah and Muslim League had clearly stated that after creation of Pakistan the truncated India would be thhomeland for the Hindus and Muslims will have no claim over it . Therefore the only solution to all the problems created by the Muslims is that India should be made a Hindu and non- Muslim country with complete exchange of population.
ANAND PRAKASH, 72 Sector-8,Panchkula 134 109
Gita reaches Japan
As expected, the gift of a copy of the Bhagwad Gita by Shri Modi to his Japanese counterpart has drawn the ire of the Indian “secular” lobby. But, I am sure, had it been the copy of the holy book of either the Quran, Bible, Tipitika, Guru Granthsaheb, Torah, or Zend Avesta, etc, the very gentleman would have been hailed as the fountainhead of the sacrosanct principle of “secularism” in India.
ARUN MALANKAR, Mumbai: 400 098