Women can help check female feticide—Lakshmikanta Chawla Bharat Vikas Parishad celebrated its foundation day on July 16 in Bathinda. The chief guest on the occasion was former Health Minister of Punjab Laxmikanta Chawla. She spoke on the need to bring modern India at par with the people living in rural pockets. She lauded the organisation saying it was the biggest institution involved in donating artificial limbs to the physically challenged. She also dwelt on the cultural dilemma confronting society and pointed out that people were moving away from their basic social mores and cultural roots, leading to confusion among the new generation. She also spoke about corruption taking deep roots in society and said those who preach honesty must practice it first. She stressed that the role of women is important in checking social crimes like female feticide. (FOC)
Women can help check female feticide—Lakshmikanta Chawla Bharat Vikas Parishad celebrated its foundation day on July 16 in Bathinda. The chief guest on the occasion was former Health Minister of Punjab Laxmikanta Chawla. She spoke on the need to bring modern India at par with the people living in rural pockets. She lauded the organisation saying it was the biggest institution involved in donating artificial limbs to the physically challenged. She also dwelt on the cultural dilemma confronting society and pointed out that people were moving away from their basic social mores and cultural roots, leading to confusion among the new generation. She also spoke about corruption taking deep roots in society and said those who preach honesty must practice it first. She stressed that the role of women is important in checking social crimes like female feticide. (FOC)
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