DELIVERING a talk on “Bharat’s Contribution to Environment Protection’ at a Hindu Mahasammelan, organised in Swami Satyananda Saraswati Nagar, Thiruvananthapuram, on July 28, Shri KN Govindacharya said the resistance of the West to tone down their life-style was the major cause of global warming, climate change, insufficient rains, melting of glaciers and wanton destruction of Nature’s gifts.
The six-day Hindu Mahasammelan from July 25 to August 1st was organised as a tribute to the late warrior saint Swami Satyananda Saraswati, who fought for Hindu issues like dismantling cross at Nilakkel, Sabarimala and of Pope’s podium at Thiruvananthapuram. He was a tower of strength for Hindus and Hindu organisations.
“There was no agreement on environment protection and pollution control on ‘Kyoto Agreement’ at Rio-De-Janero, since West was unwilling to control plastic use and stop burning fuel and gas.”
“Due to earth upheavals and resulting latent heat, forests are converted into coal, oil and natural gas, etc. But the West has brought out the heat by converting latent heat into potent heat. The world is not willing to address this problem, but seeks solution elsewhere. With the child in the lap, the mother is searching everywhere for it.”
“Due to heat and temperature balance the sea water evaporates, goes up and comes back as rain, carried by clouds. Now due to thousands of jets flying during rainy season, the temperature balance is affected, so also cloud movement. Rains are fallen on oceans itself, leading to drought and famine.”
“The Western concept of life is the root cause of the problem. They feel that all elements in this world, including women, are for the enjoyment of man. All the resources of the universe are for man to conquer and enjoy. Science and technology development, are for man’s physical pleasure. The concept is eat, drink and be merry. It is good-bye to other aspects of life like spiritual upliftment. The mantra of the West is perform or perish, survival of the fittest, etc.”
“Our concept of life is based on sthiti, gadhi, panchabootha, namaroopa – jagat and jan-jagat-jagadeesha relations. It is based on space-matter combination at the macro and micro level. Existence is being created in a sense of proportion, in space-matter combination. This combination is there in our pani, pahad, pashu, ped, jan, zamin, janwar and jangal. This is there is every creature, floras and fauna. There is a sense of proportion in eater and eatable. We have more fish and deer and less number of crocodiles and tigers.”
“Our life is based on prakriti-sanskriti – vikriti cycle. We believe that man has the power to enrich or violate Nature, foster or destroy Nature. Newton’s law of gravitation, of downward pull, was emulated from this concepts of downward pull.
Prakriti to Sanskriti (sublimation) is downward pull but prakriti to vikriti (degeneration) is upward pull, difficult. By wanting to monopolise all the resources of the world, the West is following the path of vikriti.”