NOTED writer Smt Mridula Sinha will be honoured with Asharani Vohra Puraskar. The Puraskar, presented by Rashtriya Patrakarita Kalyan Nyas, will be presented at a function to be held in Nagpur on August 4. RSS Sarsanghachalak Shri Mohan Bhagwat will be the chief guest at the function. Apart from Smt Sinha, Shri Dattatreya Gopal who is popularly known as Rajabhau Pophali and Shri Ganesh Bisht will be honoured with Bapurao Lele Puraskar and Dada Saheb Apte Puraskar respectively. Bapurao Lele Puraskar consists of Rs 51,000 while Dada Saheb Puraskar and Asharani Vohra Puraskars consist of Rs 21,000 each.