Four prophesies made by Swamiji, which happened after 50 to 80 years.?
Prophetic insight of Swami Vivekananda?
P Chandrasekhar?
Swami Vivekananda’s name and picture can easily be found in every household of Bharat. His 150th birth anniversary is on January 12, 2013. Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission alongwith various Hindu organisations are gearing up to commemorate it with multifaceted programmes throughout the year. Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari has decided to celebrate it with spiritually oriented service activities at thousands of places.
In 1985, the Government of India officially announced that 12th January, the birth date of Swamiji, shall be observed every year as National Youth Day. The Government then mentioned, “It was felt that the philosophy of Swamiji and the ideals for which he lived and worked could be a great source of inspiration to the Indian youth.” Needless to say that the birth anniversary of Swamiji needs to be celebrated in a proper manner, appropriate to his universally respected stature as a world teacher, thinker, leader, prophet, pathfinder, spiritually accomplished Yogi, Sanyasi and benefactor of humanity.
In the Western countries he is the Hindu Monk of India. The people there praise him as Spiritual Leader of the East, who gave them the idea of brotherhood and mutual respect among the followers of different religions. Draped in saffron robes, a 9-foot statue of Swami Vivekananda stands in a corner of Bharatiya Temple in Troy. In Detroit, a road is named after him. The University of Chicago has announced the creation of a $ 1.5 million academic chair in his name.
In Bharat, and also in the West, he lived the life of a common man, sometimes starving and walking for very long distances. But his words and expositions at four occasions have taken the shape of prophesies. They were recorded by Sister Nivedita. Surendranath Sen’s record has been published in volume five of Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda.
While returning Bharat from America, in a ship through the Mediterranean Sea, Cristine writes in her book The Master as I saw him, “Because of a certain incident, this voyage was very memorable. One night, shortly after he had retired, Swamiji had a phenomenal dream, which made a profound impression upon his mind, so much so that he frequently spoke of it in after years. He had a dream that a bearded old man venerable and Rishi – like in appearance, stood before him and said “Observe well this place that I show to you. You are now in the Island of Crete. This is the land in which Christianity began”. Swamiji then heard him say, “Do you come and effect our restoration; I am one of that ancient order of Theraputtas which had its origin in the teachings of the Indian Rishis.” And he added another word which escaped the Swamiji’s memory. Sister Nivedita wrote, “It is my own belief that the other word was ‘Essene.’ But alas I cannot remember the Sanskrit derivation.” The word Theraputta unmistakably means ‘Sons or disciples of the Theras.’ Thera means an elder among the Buddhist Monks and putta which in Sanskrit means son. The old man concluded, “The truths and ideals preached by us have been given out by the Christians as taught by Jesus, but for the matter of that there was no such personality by the name of Jesus ever born. Various evidences testifying to this fact will be brought to light by excavating here.” “By excavating the place can those proofs and relics you speak of be found?” The Swami asked. And the hoary–headed one, pointing to a locality in the vicinity of Turkey, said, “See here.” The Swamiji woke up and at once rushed to the deck to ascertain the ship’s whereabouts. He met a ship’s officer turning in from his watch; “What is the time?”—Swamiji asked him. “Midnight.”—He was told. “And where are we?”, “Just fifty miles of Crete” was the answer. It is said that Swami wrote to a friend in England, an archaeologist, about his dream and asked him to find out if there was any truth in it.
Yes, there was truth in it; it was some time after Swamiji`s death that an item appeared in Statesman of Culutta, stating that some Englishmen in the course of excavations in Crete had come across records containing wonderful revelations of the origin of Christianity. Again it was proved beyond doubt in 1947, 48 years later when some shepherds entered into very ancient caves in the banks of the Dead Sea. The Dead-Sea scrolls were discovered in eleven caves along the North-West shore of the Dead-Sea between the years 1947 and 1956. The area is 13 miles east of Jerusalem and is 1300 feet below sea level. The mostly fragmented texts are numbered according to the cave that they came out of. They have been called the greatest manuscripts discovery of modern times.
Cave no 4, discovered in 1952 produced the largest find, about 1500 fragments from more than 500 manuscripts. In all, scholars have identified remains of about 825 to 870 separate scrolls. The Isaiah Scroll found relatively intact is 1000 years older than any previously known copy of Isaiah. In fact, the scrolls are the oldest group of Old Testament manuscripts ever found.
The Scrolls were most likely written by the ‘Essenes’ during the period from about 200 BC to 68 CE. The last words of Josephs, Judah, Levi and Amram (the father of Moses) are written down in the Scrolls. Clay jars and Scrolls found from Qumran are now in the Citadel Museum, Jordan.
Actually God was selecting Swami Vivekananda to prophecy the truth regarding the ancient history of religions in Europe. If this incident of Swamiji’s dream had not taken place world would have lost very valuable history of Europe, which is stranger than fiction.?