Finally Shri Guruji concluded: “This, if true, will be speaking too low of Him indeed. We Hindus believe that every person can follow his own way of worship according to his belief. In our opinion, if any person worships Him, with full faith and total devotion, he can attain Him. That being the case, the Hindu does not believe in any form of change of religion. This thought of converting from one religion to another crops up, when one feels that his religion is the only true religion and all others have to accept and follow it. Really speaking, the Hindu religion does not simply tolerate other ways of worship, but also treats them with respect.” (pages 153-154)
As noted by Kalyanaraman in his detailed review of the book, “Every Indian owes a deep debt of gratitude to Suryanarayana Rao whose book should serve as a companion volume to the monumental compendium of 12 volumes of Complete Works called Guruji Samagra, compiled by Shri Ranga Hari and released in 2005. (Guruji Samagra, Delhi, Suruchi Publications, Rs. 2000).”
The most touching part of the book is the last chapter where Shri Guruji is suffering severely due to the radiation treatment being given to him for cancer. He has difficulty in speaking, yet he speaks for half an hour and for the last time to the swayamsevaks when he lays stress on the work of the sangathan and exhorts them to work in every field, “with the basic conviction of establishing the Hindu Rashtra.” Facing difficulty in breathing, he continues still, “Our work in different spheres cannot succeed without the firm base of the Shakha. Wherever the Shakha flourishes, other work also will definitely prosper.”
This is a book to be read and preserved by every patriotic Indian. It’s a lesson in living a life fruitfully.
(Vijaya Bharatham Pathippagam, 12 MV Naidu Street, Chetpet, Chennai-600 031; [email protected])