India is in a big danger now. She may cease to exist as a free nation if urgent remedies are not implemented at all levels. She needs a revolution and a drastic overhaul of her political, governing, economic, judicial and media systems. Never before was India in such a desperate need as now for Ram Rajya. The Hindus must now save the Republic of India.
Hindus do not need any man-made connectivity with God. They believe that God is present in every being. The multiplicity of Gods and Goddesses satiate the religiousness of numerous sections of them and yet integrating all Hindus into the trinity of creator-protector-destroyer. Hindus have to reach into themselves to connect with God. They therefore believe that the entire universe is one family and they accept entire humanity as one. They therefore should always be straight and secular in thought, attitude and action, as they naturally are. They must persistently try to integrate the society, nation and humanity into oneness and goodness.
The secularism preached by votes-seeking politicians is pseudo-secularism and is aimed at denigrating all Hindus as not being secular. The secularism-for-votes concept is that being born as a non-Hindu is being secular. The perverse glorification of the appeasement of communal non-Hindus is not secularism.
India is secular because Hindus constitute 80 per cent of the population and they are genuinely secular. The large hearted Hindu way of life is genuine secularism. Hindus have suffered immensely because of their large heartedness. Secularism is good for India but pseudo-secularism harms the Hindus.
The British partitioned India to ensure that the communal cruelty of the Partition would keep her destabilised forever. The British design was that the bitterness of the Partition would keep the subcontinent divided forever. Their principle of Partition was a Muslim Pakistan and a Hindu India. The British engineered communal riots to hound the Hindu population out of Pakistan and they succeeded. Rape, arson, murder and eviction resulted in the transfer of entire Hindu population out of Pakistan into India.
The British however brainwashed the Indian leadership into becoming secular and to allow the Muslim population to stay in India. It was so done. Thus defeating (half implementing) the proclaimed objective of Partition on the basis of religion. The British thus ensured that India gave lot of its land for a Muslim Pakistan and allowed India to be a nation of Hindus and Muslims besides other religious population.
An undivided India would have invested India with undivided greatness. An undivided India would have been ideally better than a Partitioned India. This is because the Indian attitude being secular the entire sub-continent would have been secular. There would have been no communal hatred and communal division in an undivided India. An undivided India would have been a huge giant in Asia. China would not have got the foothold in South Asia, if India was undivided. Now communal Pakistan and communal Bangladesh have become the instruments of China to divide Indian society with injections of communalism. Partition has harmed both Hindus and India. The Partition must be undone.
Pakistan is not just any other normal country. It is just a piece of land owned by the Pakistan army. The Pakistan army is just a communal machine filled with communal Muslims. It wants to convert the sub-continent into a Muslim sub-continent by destabilising India. It thus has a twin strategy.
Pakistan army’s first strategy is to export to India Muslim terrorists to kill innocent Hindus to create a Hindu-Muslim divide in every locality. The Muslim terrorists are also used to scare the rest of the world from investing in India and travelling to India by intermittent terror strikes across India. The objective is to destroy India’s economy, infrastructure and industry. Pakistan army’s first strategy has failed and will always fail.
The Hindus understand the communal conspiracy of the Muslim army of Pakistan. They will courageously defeat the Muslim terror inflicted by Pakistan. They will never allow the injections of communal poison from the Pakistan army to communalise Indian society.
The Hindus undeterred by the China-Pakistan Muslim terror conspiracy against India will speed progress to make India the global economic superpower soon. India is successfully defeating Pakistan army’s first strategy of Muslim terror.
Pakistan army’s second strategy is to convert India’s demography into a Muslim majority country by flooding India with crores of Muslims from Bangladesh. It has developed a huge Infrastructure in Bangladesh to motivate and push across the border millions of poor Muslims by selling them dreams of employment and prosperity. The Bangladeshis are asked to change their Muslim names by renaming themselves with Hindu names, so that they are not discovered as Bangladeshi Muslims and will be accepted as Bengali Hindus.
Assam had just less than 10 per cent of Muslims. Now it has 45 per cent of Muslims because of the flood influx of Bangladeshi Muslims.
The demography of the entire north east, Bengal and Bihar is being subverted by Bangladeshi Muslims. Across India, almost all the cities are being flooded by Bangladeshi Muslims.
The Government of India will not stop the Influx because this huge Bangladeshi Muslim population is converted into votes. The artificial increase of the Muslim population because of the demographic invasion is thus causing a severe strain on the Indian economy. The Bangladeshi Muslims are prepared to work at 25 per cent of the salary. Thus more and more Hindus are being displaced from employment. The welfare, health and education benefits too are drastically getting reduced for the Hindus because of the takeaway by the Bangladeshi Muslims. Pakistan army’s second strategy of demographic destabilisation must be decisively defeated by India.
Chinese conspiracy is to make India puppet. China wants to prosper by destroying India’s economy. China and India are the world’s biggest markets. China wants to scare away the rest of the world from India and its market. It uses Pakistan, Bangladesh and Myanmar to destabilise India. It also wants to destroy India’s industry and agriculture.
China is using India’s corrupt political system to flood Indian market with cheap produce. Thus the demand for Indian manufactured products and Indian agriculture produce would evaporate because the people would get addicted to cheaper China imports. Once the Indian industry gets closed down and the Indian agricultural operations are wound up, China will increase the prices of its products and commodities to fleece the Indian economy. When the high prices become unbearable street riots will take place, anarchy will be everywhere, chaos will upset all governance, governments will fail and there would be no money to pay the salaries of the army and police.
Then the Chinese army will march into India and make India a dependent puppet of China.
India will have to wake up to the huge threat from China. She can only wake up if the Hindus wake up to the real danger from across the border and the destabilisation within India by agents of the destabilisers.
The Hindu intellectuals, thinkers, visionaries, strategic affair experts, economists, industrialists, bureaucrats, technocrats, politicians and social workers must unite, pool their brains, understand the danger from across the borders, design policies, conceive strategies, implement programmes to protect, preserve and progress India defeating all the enemies of the nation.
Hindus do not want violence between communities. They want harmony and want patriotism to be the way of life. Hindus want governments to focus on fighting terrorism effectively without any bias, building infrastructure, improving incomes, increasing employment, bargaining with the world a better deal for India to allow the use of our huge market, getting a better price for farm produce and in speedily making India an economic superpower. Hindus want all Indians to be equal and responsible.
On this Republic Day the Hindus of India must pledge their dedication to Bharatiyata to preserve the pluralist society, to protect the society from any communal injection, to prevent the destabilisation of the economy-industry-services-agriculture by foreign forces in collaboration with treacherous insiders and to progress India quickly into a super power.
(The writer is chairman, Board of Editors, and can be contacted at