The mood was festive at Thiruvananthapuram on November 27. The whole city was decked in saffron flags, traditional coconut leaf festoons, etc. Thousands of old, men, women and children were moving to the fort area adjacent to Ananthapad-manabha Swami Temple to welcome the Gou Gram Rath, which entered Kerala from Tamil Nadu. Moreover, it was a happy day for cows. You can see cows, in Kerala, only hanging from iron hooks, dripping with blood! For a change, gau puja was performed throughout the state and thousands of cows were fed and worshipped.
Inaugurating the Maha-sammelan, Padmasri P Parameswaran said Hindus of Kerala are thrilled to see Dr Pravin Togadia live and listen to his speech. The CPM regime had two years back enacted black laws and prevented Dr Togadia from addressing a meeting here. Dr Togadia had addressed the meet via phone.
“Ananthapuri, the land of Padmanabha, is a dharmarajya where the ruler rules as Padmanabha Dasa. But what is the situation of dharma in Kerala today? In Kaliyuga, dharma has seen such downfall that it is standing on one leg. But in Kerala both dharma and cow don’t even have one leg. Kerala has become the “nation’s slaughter-house” with lakhs of cows being brought from other states and slaughtered here”.
“Sree Narayana Guru compared beef-eating with eating one’s own mother. A mother feeds us for four years, whereas a cow feeds us until our death. Gandhiji’s gramswaraj was a perfect link between village , agriculture and cow. Karnataka, which is in the forefront of IT, is self-sufficient in milk production and agriculture due to the great visionary M Vishveshwarayya who built huge dams, sustained villages, agriculture and cows.”
“Keralaites give more importance to keeping pet dogs than that to cows. High-breed dogs are spenders, whereas cow is a money-giver. Kerala’s 44 rivers are highly polluted. Entire food and milk needs of Kerala are catered to by Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra. Without food security, how can our economy sustain and prosper?” asked Parameswaranji.
Parameswaranji concluded his speech by making a dig at Thiruvananthapuram MP and Union Minister Sashi Tharoor who exhorted people not to sing Vande Mataram. If this is the mindset of our ruling class (or cattle class), how will dharma thrive?
Leading poet Vishnu Narayanan Nampoothiri said the Left influence has created the mindset that worshipping cow is backward and reactionary. If Kerala children are asked, where milk comes from, they say plastic covers! Kerala is the only state where one can become a post-graduate or doctorate without knowing Malayalam. He lauded the Sangh-associated organisations as the only one which considers nationalism to be one’s life breath.
When Dr Togadia arrived at vanguard of the Gou Gram Rath amid the tightest security, accompanied by traditional Kerala musical instruments, thousands of men holding saffron flags on bikes, 15 upa-raths, the crowd went into ecstasy. Hundreds of fireworks illuminated the clear sky.
Dr Pravin Togadia, a world-famous cancer surgeon who has taken the mission of ridding the nation of cancerous anti-Hindutva elements, thundered, “Until Islam came to India, 1500 years ago, not even a single cow was killed. In our scriptures, even brethren and parents have been killed, but not cows. In Vedas, there is karma for every sin except go hatya. We respect and worship cow, but a Muslim does not respect and worship pig. Still 44 Muslim countries have banned pig slaughter. For a Muslim, pig-eater is a kafir. We demand ban on cow- slaughter. Those who do not respect Hindu sentiments, don’t have a place here.”
“Only 30 per cent of Indians live in cities. Around 70 per cent live in villages. Laws have to be enacted to protect cows and to restore the grass-grazing lands available in 1950. The Brazilian cow, which gives 20 litres of milk, has its origin from the ghir cow of Gujarat. Just like a coconut tree, the cow is an all-rounder. Milk, ghee, go-mutra, and cow-dung have medicinal values. They prevent cancer, high BP, collestrol, heart diseases, etc.” He concluded his speech by asking the 30 crore Hindu families to set apart one rupee per day for go palan.
Padmanabha Dasa Uthradam Thirunal Marthanda Varma, ex-ruler of Travancore, presided over the meet and garlanded the Gou Gram Rath.