Peeved at the attacks on Indian students in Australia, the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) intensified its protested and ransacked the Centre of Australian Unified Pathway Programme (AUPP) at Mahanada in Jabalpur on June 13. Police used mild cane charge to disperse the activists and arrested eight of them under section 151. ABVP state secretary Abhilash Pandey said the police rained lathis on the students protesting peacefully, adding that ten protesters were injured in the police’s act. He said, the incident took place when after getting enrolled at AUPP the Indian students were going to Australia where they are still facing violent racial attacks.
The ABVP activists on June 14 targetted another institute, Anand Institute of International Studies, which facilitates admission to Australian universities to express anguish over racial attacks on Indian students. “The police baton-charged us after chasing us down. Our friends were also injured,” said Shri Durgesh Kumar, one ABVP activist.
The ABVP activists held a protest march in Bengaluru and Madurai also raising their voice against the recent attacks on Indian students. About 300 ABVP activists took out a protest march at Anand Rao Circle in Bengaluru, shouting slogans, denouncing the attacks and demanding justice.