Delhi unit of Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram observed its annual function on May 29. Kalyan Ashram national president Shri Jagdevram Oraon and organising secretary Shri Somayajulu were also present on the occasion. Kalyan Ashram runs a hostel for students of north-eastern states in Delhi. Speaking on the occasion, Shri Jagdevram Oraon appealed to the people of Delhi to extend help for the betterment of ten crore Vanvasis. He said the Kalyan Ashram has been working for spreading awareness among the Vanvasis so that they can live a happy life. Industrialist Shri Prakash Agrawal presided over the function. Shri Pramod Agrawal and Shri Omprakash Sarraf attended the function as chief guest and distinguished guest respectively. (FOC)