Doctors of today present a glum scenario to their patients. They pronounce bad prognosis and magnify a minor problem into serious illness. In other swords, they make mountains out of molehills. One of their main problems is the lure of the money. Since corporate hospitals are run by businessmen and not doctors, a major illness means big investigations, interventions, surgeries and other costly treatments. Further, over-medication of patients is a direct outcome of pharmaceutical companies dangling carrots in front of the physicians. On the other hand, the doctors fear the patient taking them to the CPA (Consumer Protection Act). The author advises doctors to desist from over-investigation, over-intervention and over-operation and the patients not to lose hope, even if the doctor declares the case as hopeless.
Doctors have been there since ancient times. Proper doctors treat each patient as an individual case as patients with seemingly similar illnesses respond differently to the same treatment given to them. Some may require little medication while others may not respond to even full courses of drugs.
There are different kinds of patients and the author has classified them into broad groups: The ?avoider? (more men than women) avoids consulting a doctor even if he or she feels the symptoms of an illness.
The ?denier? denies the presence of an illness and is not mentally prepared to accept that his body is no longer normal.
The ?positive thinker? is a diehard optimist who will look at the silver lining and not the dark clouds. He does not get depressed at his misfortune but tries to learn a lesson from it. He thinks about the positive aspects of life.
The author of the book concludes by saying that the body is a human machine which is governed by a mind that needs looking after as it suffers from feelings, emotions, hopes, aspirations, jealousies and anxieties. When the waves and tides of negative emotions subside, the mind becomes tranquil, lending a human touch to the body. What is needed is inner strength to fight the illness that may afflict you.
(Rupa & Co., 7/16 Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi-110 002.)