UPA Government owes explanation to the nation and the Indian polity on the following points:
1. Downgradation of the office of Prime Minister and creation of ?Extra-Constitutional? (unconstitutional) centre of power/authority caused colossal deviation from the ?Rule of Law? and consequential misgovernance during the UPA rule;
2. Spiralling price rise (a distinct feature of UPA rule) has caused terrible miseries to the people but nothing worthwhile could be done except hollow assurances;
3. Suffering of farmers goes unabated and the mirage/illusory sop of debt waiver announced more with the objective of a vote-bank trick and an eye-wash has rather added to the agony of farmers due to imminent disillusionment;
4. Failure to keep up the great national pride achieved due to Pokhran II (during NDA regime) and compromising national interests by attempting to enter into the ?Nuclear Treaty? with USA not only resulted in humiliation but also exposed readiness of Congress party to make India subservient to ?Foreign Power?;
5. Dilution of anti-terror law and deferment of execution of the convict in Parliament terrorist attack has not only boosted the terrorist activities/attack/morale but has exposed UPA'sscant concern for the life of innocent Indians as well as for those who sacrificed their lives in fighting against the militants;
6. Failure of UPA to maintain the tempo of building friendly bilateral relations (without compromising national pride) with various countries (particularly the immediate neighbours) so well created during NDA regime, resulted in such a chaotic situation that China could dare to threaten the sovereignty of our country by laying unfounded claim over parts of Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim;
7. Seriously compromising the very fundamentals of Hinduism as enshrined in our great epic, the Ramayana, by filing a malicious affidavit in the court in Ram Sethu case, which not only hurt the sentiments of 80 per cent Indians but also exposed the evil designs of the Congress party.
8. Slowing down the process of infrastructure development in respect of National Highways, Airports, Water management which remained one of the major hallmarks during the NDA regime;
9. Completely shelving the process of ?reforms? which was so well undertaken during NDA regime, and thereby putting the country in retrograde mode in governance as well as in development arena;
10. Failure to provide 33 per cent reservation for women and merely indulging in an eye-wash drama as a vote bank trick has exposed the Congress party and the sincere attempts made by the BJP have been brought to naught on a significant issue;
11. Dividing the polity by attempting to make reservation on the basis of religion and thereby exposing the appeasement trickery of the Congress party and their pseudo-secularist allies, particularly the leftists.
(The writer is IFS (Retd.) and former Secretary, NCST, Government of India.)