A demonstration was held at Jantar Mantar in Delhi against the gruesome killing of 80- year-old Baloch leader Nawab Akbar Bugti and the kidnapping of Sindhi nationalist leaders in Pakistan-occupied Sindh by Pakistan'sISI. The demonstration was organised by Sindh and Balochistan Society, in which a large number of Sindhis and Balochs living in Delhi along with many people of Delhi participated. Shri B.L. Sharma ?Prem?, former MP, addressed the demonstrators.
Addressing the demonstrators, Dr Ghansham Prakash, chief coordinator of the Society, said the Baloch leader Akbar Bugti was killed because he was demanding the Baloch people'sright over the resources of gas and coal. The Pak armed forces wanted to silence him. But he preferred to die instead of surrendering to the Pak army. He pointed out that the Sindhis are also facing the cruelties of Pakistan army. He said the ISI has taken various Sindhi nationalist leaders in its custody without producing them in any court of law. He appealed to Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh to take up the issue of killing of Nawab Akbar Bugti and the illegal detention of Sindhi leaders. He said when India could talk about the plight of Palestinians and Lebanese, why should it hesitate to speak about the Baloch and Sindhis? He said the struggle of Sindhis and Baloch would continue.
He stated that the Pakistan government has lost its moral right over PoK, as it did not allow the nationalist Kashmiris to take part in recently held elections in PoK. Similar situation also prevails in Sindh, where the majority party of Sindhis?PPP?have been kept away from the power.