Madhya Pradesh was declared the fastest-moving state in the fields of agriculture, infrastructure and overall progress among the states of the country at the India Today Conclave held at the Maurya Shereton in New Delhi on September 1, 2006. The award was presented by the President Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. In Madhya Pradesh, the progress of the state was much faster from 2003 to 2006 than it was between 1991 to 2003. Also Madhya Pradesh stood second in the category of good governance, third in the law and order category and fifth in physical potential.
On this occasion, the Chief Minister congratulated the organisers of the event and reiterated his commitment to bring about further development in the state. He stated that work done with confidence and conviction can overcome challenges posed by political factionalism and the administration. Condemning what he called the vote-bank politics and mere sloganeering, the Chief Minister said it would lead us nowhere. Commenting on centre-state relations, he said it is necessary to have a strong centre but at the same time when the state asked for central assistance during times of natural disasters, the centre should take care of the state'sneeds. The Chief Minister also mentioned how the state had been financially deprived by not paying it its proper share in coal royalties for a long time. He felt that the coal royalty should be determined ad valorem. On this occasion, PWD Minister Shri Kailash Vijayvarghiya was also present.
President Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam also addressed the gathering. Ten chief ministers, three representatives from different states, Members of Parliament, senior officials, intellectuals, media persons and other distinguished citizens were present on this occasion.